Biophysical, Socio-Economic, and Regional Data and Information (BERDI)
BERDI – a data bank for Biophysical, (Socio)Economic, and Regional Data and Information (pronounced “birdie”) - was created to make data collected by the Canada Energy Regulator... -
Diel Vertical Movements and Feeding Habits of Underyearling Sockeye Salmon...
Sockeye underyearlings at Babine Lake. B.C. were observed to undergo diel vertical movement from July through to October 1967. This movement was more pronounced in August when... -
Skeena Salmon Skeena Estuary Habitat Report Card
This habitat report card is part of a 2013 project by ESSA Technologies that summarizes pressures on the habitat used by Skeena salmon Conservation Units (CUs) during their... -
Skeena Salmon Skeena River Basin Habitat Report Card
This habitat report card is part of a 2013 project by ESSA Technologies that summarizes pressures on the habitat used by Skeena salmon Conservation Units (CUs) during their... -
Analysis and Priority Identification of Existing Fish Passage Data: Bulkley...
For this project, existing fish passage information in the Bulkley River watershed located near Smithers, British Columbia, was reviewed in order to prioritize and rank culverts... -
2008 Assessment of Forestry Road Crossings in the Kispiox River Watershed...
The purpose of the 2008 Kispiox River Watershed, Forestry Road Crossing Assessment Project was to protect fish habitat by identifying stream crossings within the Cullon,... -
Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring
This dataset contains a link to the Data BC "Forest and Range Evaluation Program Fish/Riparian Monitoring" page. It contains a series of pdf documents associated with the... -
Healthy Watersheds, Healthy Communities: Bulkley-Morice Salmonid...
This overview provides a brief description of basic features of the Bulkley River watershed. This plan represents phase one of a larger planning process and will evolve in... -
Fish Observations within Lake Babine Territory
This point location dataset of fish observations is a compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial databases including... -
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development 1975
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development Prince Rupert Bulk Loading Facility - Phase 1 and 2 Phase 1: Bulk Marine Terminal Sites... -
Bulkley Higher Level Plan GIS Data Cut to Babine Watershed
GIS Shape files from the Bulkley Higher Level Plan Orders as they relate to the Lower Babine Watershed (Babine River). -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
Williams and Sockeye Creeks Watershed Status Evaluation Report
This report provides the results from the first of several pilot applications of the Watershed Status Evaluation Protocol (WSEP) developed to help understand the status of a... -
Wetlands of British Columbia: A Guide to Identification
This guide presents a site classification and interpretative information for wetlands and related ecosystems of British Columbia. Site identification is based upon principles of... -
Westcoast Energy Inc Fireweed Offload Pipeline Project: Fisheries Habitat Assessment
This pre-impact habitat assessment was conducted on June 30, 1994 to identify and evaluate fish habitat along the proposed route associated with this project. -
Upper Zymoetz (Copper River) WRP Overview Fish and Riparian Assessment
This report summarizes fish and fish habitat values within the Copper River watershed and describes impacts to both the fisheries resource and riparian habitats regulating from... -
Upper Skeena and Kispiox River Juvenile Steelhead Surveys 1999
In 1999, the Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks surveyed portions of the Upper Skeena River and Kispiox Rivers during September 1999 for juvenile steelhead and fry and... -
Trout Creek/Moricetown Watershed Assessment Project
This document contains information on the Level I Sediment Source Assessment. The Consolidated Access Management Plan (AMP) and the Interior Watershed Assessment Program (IWAP)... -
Tributary Sockeye Escapement Monitoring and Mapping
The dataset details reports on the Lakelse Sockeye Rehabilitation Project lasting from 2005 to 2006. The project was conducted on Lakelse Lake Tributaries and provides mapping... -
Toboggan Creek Coho Smolt Enumerations
The primary focus of the "Toboggan Creek Smolt Project" is to estimate the number of wild coho (0. kisutch) smolts leaving Toboggan Creek. Initiated in the spring of 1995, the...