Northwest Cumulative Effects Case Study
The Northwest pilot has investigated a range of cumulative effect related topics as well as developed methods to assess impacts of industrial development on a selection of... -
Fisheries Problems Associated with the Development of Logging Plans within...
This report has been prepared primarily to describe the fisheries problems associated with a large scale logging operation proposed for the system and to outline certain... -
Conserving Skeena Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report constitutes the Skeena Watershed Fish Sustainability Process Stage I document. Conserving Skeena Fish Populations and Their Habitat describes the planning process... -
Conserving Kispiox Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report was prepared for the Kispiox Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan (KWFSP) planning table. It briefly describes the origin, purpose, and benefits of Watershed-... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
Wet'suwet'en Title & Rights and Coastal GasLink
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency (BC EAO). This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en... -
Wet'suwet'en Submission to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency -...
This submission from the Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) is a response to the CEAA report regarding the proposed Pacific... -
Wet'suwet'en Rights and Title and Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipelines Project
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel. This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en response in respect... -
Skeena River Sockeye
This paper provides a historical overview of the Skeena River sockeye. -
Skeena River Selective Harvest Monitoring Projects
The purpose of this study is to quantitate and validate native fish harvests (food fishery harvests and excess salmon spawning requirement [ESSR] harvests) and releases in 1995.... -
Skeena Net Survey: Preliminary Report of Native Food Fishing Effort on the...
A preliminary survey of the Skeena River Indigenous net fishery was conducted in 1987 to improve on existing data. The objective of the study was to estimate Indigenous effort... -
Skeena Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report is a follow-up to an earlier volume (Gottesfeld et al. 2002) which was prepared as part of the Skeena Watershed Fish Sustainability Plan process. The earlier report,... -
Skeena Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Pre-Design Reference Document
This document provides a basis for the design phase of an environmental effects monitoring program (EEM) for Repap's pulp and paper mill, Skeena Cellulose Inc., located near... -
Skeena Basin - Coastal Planning Linkages
This background report is a first step towards understanding the Skeena Basin linkages to PNCIMA, how they work, and how these factors integrate into larger planning efforts.... -
Salmon Science as Related to Proposed Development in the Skeena River Estuary
A collaborative research team of academic and First Nation scientists has been studying the Skeena River estuary ecosystem and its juvenile salmon. After 4 years, 100 boat days,... -
Rates of Movement and Timing of Migrations of Steelhead Trout To and Within...
Summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) returning to the Skeena River system were radio-tagged to determine their rates of movement through commercial salmon fisheries near... -
Proceedings from the World Summit on Salmon
The World Summit on Salmon evolved in response to growing concerns of scientists and others about the future of the salmon stocks of the world, in light of the recent collapses... -
Pacific Region Stock Status Reports
These reports provides updates on the Skeena River sockeye salmon stocks from various years. -
Our Place at the Table: First Nations in the B.C. Fishery
This report lays out solutions and recommendations aimed at bringing a high degree of certainty to aboriginal and non-aboriginal interests alike while ensuring the conservation... -
Northwest Coast Traditional Salmon Fisheries System of Resource Utilization
This thesis presents evidence that traditional systems of salmon production were generally coincident with seasonal migrations of adult salmon returning from marine environments...