Proceedings from the World Summit on Salmon
The World Summit on Salmon evolved in response to growing concerns of scientists and others about the future of the salmon stocks of the world, in light of the recent collapses... -
Movements of Wild Summer Run Steelhead Tagged with Radio Transmitters in the...
Radio telemetry was used for the second consecutive migration year to determine the proportion of wild, Babine River adult summer run steelhead migrating through the Department... -
Lake Babine Nation Summary of Findings from the December 2010 Salmon...
Based on the Salmon Spawning report prepared for the Lake Babine Nation by Alana Dickson in December 2010, we present the Morrison watershed salmon productivity, shoreline... -
Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 4...
This resource from Ecocat is a catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records, and other general...