Physical Limnological Measurements at Babine and Nilkitkwa Lakes in...
The physical limnological measurements made in Babine and Nilkitkwa lakes in the summers of 1966-68 include vertical profiles of lake temperature, secchi depth, precipitation,... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Mine Project Third Party Review of Groundwater, Water...
EAO wishes to retain an independent, expert, third party consultant to undertake a technical review of the hydrogeology, hydrology, water balance, water quality, and related... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Literature Review and Data Summary of Studies Related to Bell Mine, Babine Lake
This report summarizes available information on selected chemical and physical parameters of Babine Lake. The information has been reviewed in order to understand long term... -
Chemical and Biological studies of Babine Lake
Because of the increasing industrial operations and rapidly growing human activities on the watershed of Babine Lake there have been many multi—disciplinary studies carried out... -
Biophysical Stream Survey of Fourteen Sockeye Streams Tributary to...
This stream inventory aims to employ a biophysical method of aquatic systems inventory to the fourteen sockeyes streams, experiment with methodology based on low-level Arial... -
Babine Lake: Data From Chemical and Biological Surveys, May 83, May 84, July 84
Water quality data were obtained in May 1983, May 1984, and July 1984 in Babine Lake to determine if there was any impact from the Bell Copper Mine discharges. Physical and... -
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Mining, Community...
An ecological study to assess the impact of environmental changes on the Babine sockeye production is currently being conducted under the auspices of the Babine Watershed Change... -
2008 Stream Assessment for Select Areas and Road Crossings within Nadina...
This report summarizes the results of the stream assessments, which were completed between July 14 and October 22, 2008. All evaluated drainages are within the Babine Lake... -
Acute and Sublethal Copper Sensitivity, Growth and Saltwater Survival in...
A series of experiments was conducted during the spring, summer and fall of 1977 to determine the potential copper toxicity hazard to Babine Lake sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus... -
Chemical Studies of the Recent Sediments of Babine Lake British Columbia
The multi-disciplinary Babine Watershed Change Program (1973) was initiated in 1971-1972 by the Department of the Environment to assess effects of environmental change on Babine...