Technical Data Reports for Enbridge Northern Gateway Project
Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership proposed to design, construct, and operate two pipelines extending from Bruderheim, Alberta, to Kitimat, British Columbia. Field... -
The Skeena River Estuary Status of Environmental Knowledge to 1975: Report...
This report compiles and summarizes knowledge on the Skeena River Estuary, providing useful background information for those concerned with environmental impacts of these and... -
The Salinity Intrusion of the Skeena River Observations of Salinities,...
Observations of salinities, temperatures and currents are presented in the form of vertical profiles at stations in the lower reaches of the Skeena River and in the approaches... -
Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 6: Baseline Data, Surface Water, and Groundwater 1994
Samples were collected for the first time from a watercourse on the proposed project site on the north side of the Telkwa, and from sites on the Telkwa River and Goathorn Creek... -
Pacific Trail Pipelines Project: Volume 1 Report - Application for...
This Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate for the KSL Project has been prepared pursuant to Section 16(1) of the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act. The... -
Hydrologic Regimes in a Changing Climate: Characteristics and Response of...
Hydrologic regimes in a changing climate: characteristics and responses of wetland and off-channel habitat along the Telkwa River and the implications for juvenile coho salmon....