Update Assessment of Sockeye Salmon Production from Babine Lake, British Columbia

Wood et al. (1998) provided the last formal assessment of sockeye production from Babine Lake using production data spanning the 1950-1996 return years (1950-1991 brood years). This update adds 14 more years to the data series (1950-2010 return years, 1950-2005 brood years) and provides an overview of the monitoring methods used to assess Babine Lake sockeye production. Trends in spawning escapements by run-timing group, fry recruitment, adult returns, exploitation rates, surplus production from enhanced sites, and enhanced contributions to annual returns are presented.

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Field Value
Source URL https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/mpo-dfo/Fs97-6-2956-eng.pdf
Author Cox-Rogers, S. and Spilsted, B.
Data Steward Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region
Publication Year 2012