For many years, estimates of the abundance of the spawning stock of sockeye salmon to Lakelse Lake have been made and recorded in the Confidential Annual Reports of the Fisheries Research Board, Biological Station, Nanaimo. During the years 1944-1956 and 1961, an average of 13,500 spawners were estimated annually (ranging from 3,700 to 33,000 fish). Over the years the sockeye runs to Lakelse have been comprised mainly of two Iife history types, 1.2 and 1.3 fish. A much smaller portion of the annual run was made up from "precocious" males, life history type 1.1. In 1965 and 1966 comprehensive programs were carried out to estimate the age, size and sex composition of spawning stocks to Scully and Williams Creeks. These estimates are provided in this report.