BWMT Project Reports
This dataset contains eighteen reports initiated by the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust between 2003 and 2013. -
West Babine Sustainable Resource Management Plan
This dataset contains the West Babine Sustainable Resource Management Plan and associated maps and spatial data. The West Babine Sustainable Resource Management Plan (SRMP) has... -
Value of the Fisheries Resources in the Bulkley River System
The purpose of this report is to provide an indication of the net economic value of the fisheries stocks in the Bulkley river system. This is done by assessing current and... -
The Economic Value of the Babine River Corridor Park With and Without a...
The Babine River Corridor Park is relatively small in comparison to many other provincial parks in the province. However, the high quality wilderness attributes of the Park,... -
The Babine River Watershed: An Annotated Bibliography of Inventory,...
This bibliography was completed to provide an information base to the Babine Watershed Monitoring Group. This group is being established to coordinate monitoring of resource... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Application for a Project Approval Certificate
The Application should be read in the context that it is the basis for the first major stage of the Environmental Assessment Process as it applies to new mine developments... -
Review and Assessment of Water Quality in the Skeena River Watershed,...
Historical water quality data presented for the Skeena River watershed are divided into nine subsequent sections, corresponding to the nine major watershed reaches. Each section... -
Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area Plan
The Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area ( PNCIMA ) is one of five national Large Ocean Management Areas identified in Canada’s 2005 Oceans Action Plan. The plan... -
Options for the Babine River Area
Land management strategies and access route options for the Babine River planning area. -
Management Direction Statement for Kitson Island Marine Provincial Park
Management direction statements provide strategic management direction for protected areas that do not have an approved management plan. A portion of this park is subject to the... -
Kispiox Land and Resource Management Plan
The Kispiox Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) is a sub-regional land use plan for 1.2 million hectares in west central British Columbia. The LRMP provides management... -
Bulkley River Steelhead Trout: A Report on Angler Use, Tagging, and Life...
The Bulkley River and its major tributary, Morice River, support one of the most intense steelhead trout fisheries in British Columbia. Although on—river creel surveys have been... -
British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act and Regulations
British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Act requires that certain large-scale project proposals undergo an environmental assessment and obtain an environmental assessment... -
Babine River Interim Local Resource Use Plan
This plan describes the management consensus option and resource management issues for the Babine River area. It includes the watershed management prescriptions developed to... -
Babine River Foundation Boundary
The watershed boundary in use by the Babine River Foundation. The boundary includes the Babine River and Tsezakwa Creek sub-watershed. It was created in 2010 by Eclipse Geomatics.