Assessment of Steelhead Enhancement Opportunities in the Morice River System
Juvenile salmonid populations in two tributary streams to the Morice River system, Owen and Lamprey Creeks, were assessed by the Fish Habitat Improvement Section in the fall of... -
Review of Cattle-Community Watershed Conflicts in the Skeena Region
This report provides the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks (BCE) with a review of cattle farming in the Skeena Region, and a recommendation for monitoring the... -
Assessment of the Impact of the Kemano II Proposal on the Fish and Wildlife...
In 1974 and 1975, the Fish and Wildlife Branch conducted field studies on the fish and wildlife populations in the Nanika-Kidprice system which would be affected by the proposed... -
Bulkley River Steelhead Trout: A Report on Angler Use, Tagging, and Life...
The Bulkley River and its major tributary, Morice River, support one of the most intense steelhead trout fisheries in British Columbia. Recent mailed questionnaire surveys of... -
Bill Nye Lake - Secondary Lake Inventory
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Water Quality Objectives for Bulkley and Morice Rivers (1986)
This report includes an assessment of present water quality, a prediction of future water quality, recommended water uses that should be protected, and recommended monitoring to... -
Summaries of The Moricetown Falls Steelhead and Coho Release Project
Steelhead and coho returning to the Bulkley and Morice rivers pass through Moricetown between late July and late September. The "early" component of this steelhead run, and the... -
Some Notes on the Age and Size of Morice River Steelhead Trout from Anglers'...
A creel census was conducted on the Morice River steelhead fishery during Autumn, 1976. The objectives of the study were two-fold: to collect detailed information on angler... -
Skeena-Nass Area Water Quality Assessment and Objectives: Technical Appendix
This report assess present water quality of the mainstem Bulkley and Morice Rivers, to predict future water quality, and to recommend water uses that should be protected, and to... -
Skeena Bulkley RMP: Enhancing Environmental Values
The Skeena Bulkley RMP was originally developed in 1999 and has been refined and updated annually. This document is the third section of the overall Skeena Bulkley RMP, and... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 460-600600-36400-39700-02
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 460-600600-35600-07800-02
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Secondary Lake Inventory of Unnamed Lake - Watershed Code: 460-600600-33000-01
The purpose of this survey is to conduct secondary lake inventories in the southern portions of the Morice and Lakes Forest Districts (Prince Rupert Forest Region). The lake was... -
Reconnaissance Inventory of West Julian Holland Lake
The report presents the results of a reconnaissance level “Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory” of West Julian Holland Lake 460-6006-508-005-283-218-502-01 performed to the current... -
Radio Telemetry Studies of Summer Run Steelhead Trout in the Skeena River...
Radio tagging studies were carried out in the Skeena drainage in order to more fully understand the life history of summer run steelhead trout. During the fall of 1978, 24... -
Movement of Radio Tagged Steelhead in the Morice River Determined by...
This project is part of the joint Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and BC Ministry of Environment program to reduce the incidental interception of steelhead bound for... -
Morice and Upper Bulkley Fisheries Sensitivity Watershed Process Reports
Watershed reviews for the process of designating Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds (FSW) under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) to provide effective aquatic habitat... -
Morice Water Management Area - Multi-Year Operational Plan
This operational plan is the initial product of a partnership between the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and the Province of British Columbia to develop a water monitoring and... -
Morice River Temperature Data 1961-1965
Daily minimum, maximum and mean water temperatures for Morice River. -
Morice River Stream Survey August 1975
A survey investigating the fish, and especially the steelhead values, of the small feeder creeks of the Morice River was conducted from August 6-15, 1975. The biological data...