Assessment of Sockeye Fry Passage at the Babine River Adult Salmon Counting Fence
Skeena Fisheries Commission (SFC) conducted a study to investigate whether the Babine River Counting Fence prevented sockeye fry that drifted downstream of the structure from... -
Toboggan Creek Coho Smolt Enumerations
The primary focus of the "Toboggan Creek Smolt Project" is to estimate the number of wild coho (0. kisutch) smolts leaving Toboggan Creek. Initiated in the spring of 1995, the... -
Population Structure of Lake-Type and River-Type Sockeye Salmon in...
The objective of the present study was to evaluate microsatellite genetic differentiation between lake-type and riverine populations within the same river drainage, among... -
Managing Biodiversity in Pacific Salmon: the Evolution of the Skeena River...
This report discusses the trade-off fisheries managers are faced with that remains unresolved – how to reap the benefits from commercially valuable stocks while maintaining... -
Infectious Disease, Shifting Climates, and Opportunistic Predators:...
An overview of the evolutionary and ecological impacts of infectious diseases, shifting climates, and opportunistic predators in wild salmon and suggested ways in which modern... -
Fish Habitat Inventory & Information Program: Stream Summary Catalogue
This catalogue contains a summary of information on fish and fish habitats for 83 streams in the DFO Subdistrict 4D, Smithers, Volume 2 (Bulkley). The catalogue is organized as... -
Digest of Interim Report Skeena River Salmon Investigation
This report briefly summarizes the findings of a five-year investigation of the salmon of the Skeena River system from 1944 to 1948. -
Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 4...
This resource from Ecocat is a catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records, and other general... -
Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon: Stream, Lake, and...
This report documents the methodology used by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to identify potential Strategy 2 habitat indicators, metrics, and benchmarks (as well... -
Biophysical Reconnaissance of the Morice River System, 1978-1980
A bio-manageability study of chinook and coho salmon was carried out on the Morice River near Houston, B.C. from the fall of 1978 to mid-1980. The objective of the program was... -
Area 4 Chum Escapement Survey Plan
This project was an evaluation of the Skeena chum escapement survey plan against the requirement to provide representative indices of spawner abundance. -
A Risk Assessment Model for Skeena River Sockeye Salmon
This paper presents a risk assessment simulation model for Skeena River sockeye salmon harvested in marine and in-river fisheries in northern British Columbia. This paper also... -
A Review of the Babine Lake Development Project 1961-1976
This report describes the results of the Babine Development Project evaluation program relative to the individual components within project, containing components which describe... -
2021 Skeena Sockeye Forecast
Preliminary 2021 Skeena Sockeye Forecast -
A Re-Assessment of Moricetown Falls as an obstruction to Salmon Migration
This report which represents a general summary of the known information on the salmon stocks of the Bulkley River system, has been prepared in order to: (a) describe the effect... -
2018-2022 Implementation Plan - Wild Salmon Policy
The WSP lays out six strategies to restore and maintain healthy and diverse salmon populations and habitats, which can be grouped into three interrelated themes: Assessment,...