Habitat Improvement and Outplanting Possibilities - Upper Bulkley/ Morice Systems
The NCD Habitat Unit, along with coho biologists from the Science Branch, conducted a juvenile coho sampling program on the Upper Bulkley/Morice River systems during the month... -
Upper Bulkley Water Temperature Monitoring Data and Reports
This dataset comprises water temperature information collected from 15 hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley River watershed since 2016. Resources include interpretative... -
Winter Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen at Selected Sites in the Bulkley Watershed
This report describes dissolved oxygen and water temperature measurements conducted at 50 locations in the Bulkley Watershed during the period March 12 to March 18, 1996. -
Wet'suwet'en Title & Rights and Coastal GasLink
The Office of the Wet'suwet'en (OW) presents this submission to British Columbia Environmental Assessment Agency (BC EAO). This submission is a component of the Wet'suwet'en... -
Value of the Fisheries Resources in the Bulkley River System
The purpose of this report is to provide an indication of the net economic value of the fisheries stocks in the Bulkley river system. This is done by assessing current and... -
The Maxan Lake Multi-Land Use Study: A Summary Review
The objective of the Maxan Lake multi-land use study was to examine the interaction between various forms of land use on an area having multi-use capacity. To this end, various... -
Skeena Bulkley RMP: Enhancing Environmental Values
The Skeena Bulkley RMP was originally developed in 1999 and has been refined and updated annually. This document is the third section of the overall Skeena Bulkley RMP, and... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Tributaries in the...
The objective of this project was to conduct a Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in several watersheds within the Bulkley River (BULK) watershed group.... -
Rainbow Trout Spawning Studies in Foxy Creek 1993
A juvenile fish sampling program was conducted during the first week of September after fry emergence and during the low-flow period. This study assesses juvenile fish... -
Morice and Upper Bulkley Fisheries Sensitivity Watershed Process Reports
Watershed reviews for the process of designating Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds (FSW) under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) to provide effective aquatic habitat... -
Maxan Creek Stream Survey 1974
This stream survey evaluates Maxan Creek. Elements included are the location, physical characteristics, and water quality of the creek, the species present, and the surrounding... -
Maxan Creek Stream Channel, Bank Stabilization and Aquatic Habitat...
This document is a proposal for a study focusing on aquatic habitat rehabilitation in the Maxan Creek stream channel. The need for this project is presented, as well as previous... -
Fish Population Monitoring in Foxy and Buck Creeks
Sampling at fish index sites was conducted at five locations in Foxy and Buck creeks for Equity Silver Mines Ltd. from September 1988 to 1991. -
Fish Monitoring Studies in Buck, Foxy and Crow Creeks and Goosly Lake
These reports present the results of the 2012 and 2017 fish monitoring programs conducted in the vicinity of Equity Mine near Houston BC. -
Expansion and Recalibration of a Benthic Invertebrate Index of Biological...
The purpose of this project is to further explore the use of a B-IBI's as an effectiveness monitoring and stream condition assessment tool for long-term trend monitoring of... -
Comments Re Fish Habitat At Four Enbridge Crossings in Maxan, Gosnell, and...
This document looks at proposed Enbridge stream crossings and presents comments concerning critical habitats in these systems. Upper Maxan Creek, Gosnell Creek, and Clore River... -
Calibration of a Multimetric benthic Invertebrate Index of Biological...
The Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) is arguably the 'most widely used and effective' multimetric index of stream condition. The purpose of this project was to calibrate the... -
Assessment of Benthic Invertebrate and Juvenile Fish Populations in Foxy and...
Field studies assessing fish and benthic invertebrate populations in Foxy Creek, a small stream located in north central British Columbia near Houston, were undertaken in late...