DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1918 - 1949
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Area 4 Annual Reports from 1918 - 1949. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial... -
Annual Reports from the Fisheries Research Board (Pacific) 1931 - 1969
Annual Reports from the Fisheries Research Board (Experimental Station - Pacific for the years 1931-1969. -
Upper Bulkley Historic Air Photo Mosaics
Combined Upper Bulkley Air Photos from 1946-1950, 1971, and 1994. -
The Physical Limnology of Lakelse Lake, British Columbia
During the five years, 1944 to 1948, physical and chemical studies were conducted on Lakelse lake, B.C., as part of the programme of salmon research on the Skeena river.... -
Summary of Salmon Enumeration of Sampling Data, Babine River, 1961-1966...
In 1945 and 1946 the Fisheries Research Board of Canada built a counting fence to permit total counts of all salmon species. Arc (1961) has discussed the location and... -
Plankton Summaries of Lakelse Lake, Morice Lake, and Kitsumkalum Lake Lake
This report includes plankton species and abundance data for Lakelse Lake, Morice Lake and Kitsumkalum Lake. -
Lakes of the Skeena River Drainage VI: The Lakes of the Upper Sustut River
This report summarizes the study of the lakes of the Upper Sustut River in 1946. Sustut Lake, Asitka Lake, Johanson Lake, Darb Lake, and Spawning lake were surveyed for fish... -
Lakes of the Skeena River Drainage - 2. Morice Lake
The second in a series presenting general information on the lakes of the Skeena river drainage particularly in so far as it affects salmon production. -
Digest of Interim Report Skeena River Salmon Investigation
This report briefly summarizes the findings of a five-year investigation of the salmon of the Skeena River system from 1944 to 1948. -
Bulkley River Obstructions 1949
The following is the completion of the report of the conditions of log jams etc. on the Bulkley River from October 1949. -
Bulkley Falls Investigation Report 1949
On June 18th 1949 Inspector Elliott accompanied the writer to the Bulkley falls on Bulkley River. The purpose of the investigation was to give an engineers report on the... -
Annual Report of Salmon Streams and Spawning Populations: Upper Bulkley River
Department of Fisheries and Oceans annual reports of salmon streams and spawning populations for the Upper Bulkley River 1945-2004 -
Sockeye Salmon Migration in Babine River and Lake as Indicated By Tagging at...
A second objective in tagging sockeye salmon as they passed through the Babine fence into Nilkitkwa and Babine Lakes was to procure information on the quality and speed of... -
Prospects for the 1948 Salmon Catch on the Skeena River
From time to time enquiries have been made of the investigators as to their opinions of the size of runs which can be expected in a given area in an approaching season. For that... -
Skeena Sockeye and Nanika Sockeye Production Trends
This memo summarizes catch, escapement, and estimated exploitation trends for the Skeena Sockeye aggregate and the Nanika River sockeye stock. The trend analysis for the Skeena...