Upper Bulkley Water Temperature Monitoring Data and Reports
This dataset comprises water temperature information collected from 15 hydrometric stations in the Upper Bulkley River watershed since 2016. Resources include interpretative... -
SKT Annual Review
Annual reviews of the Skeena Knowledge Trust showcasing our efforts, activities and new datasets. -
Reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development...
The "Reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the Parliament of Canada" are periodic reports produced by the Office of the Commissioner of... -
Review of Salmon Bycatch in the Pacific Region 2022/23 Groundfish Trawl...
The Pacific Region groundfish trawl fishery is one of the largest fisheries in British Columbia by catch volume and value, operating throughout the year with all fishing trips... -
Richfield Creek Riparian Exclusion Fencing and Restoration
Richfield Creek was included in a larger riparian restoration initiative in 2021 through the Morice Water Monitoring Trust (see dataset: Upper Bulkley Riparian Restoration). The... -
Upper Bulkley River Riparian Restoration
In effort to ameliorate riparian vegetation and reduce streambank erosion on the Upper Bulkley River, Maxan Creek and Richfield Creek, willow cuttings were planted and... -
Research perspective: Mismatches in salmon social–ecological systems
Research article in form of a perspective published in Facets by Katrina Connors (Royal Roads University and Pacific Salmon Foundation). The article describes the challenges of... -
SSAF State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat 2020 - Data
The Skeena Sustainability Assessment Forum’s (SSAF) State of the Value Report for Fish and Fish Habitat provides an overview of the current condition of fish and fish habitat in... -
Upper Bulkley Coho Spawner Reports
This series of reports includes coho salmon spawner data collected through spawner surveys, broodstock capture and beaver dam management actions in the Upper Bulkley River and... -
Skeena & Nass Sockeye Lakes Hydroacoustic Surveys
Skeena Fisheries Commission (SKF) has conducted mobile hydroacoustic surveys in small lakes throughout the Skeena Watershed since 2005. The main objective of these surveys is to... -
Morice Water Monitoring Trust: Annual Monitoring Plans
The Annual Monitoring Plan sets out the year’s proposed activities and budget which are created from the MWMT Monitoring Framework and is consistent with the MWMT Agreement. -
Northwest Water Tool Report Kathlyn Lake
A report with details on the Kathlyn Lake Watershed. Includes information on the hydrology, risk management levels and measures, existing water licenses, land cover, topography... -
BC's Old Growth Forest: A Last Stand for Biodiversity
The report includes a series of detailed recommendations to prevent the loss of the last of the very rare and highly important productive old forest, and to manage the remainder... -
Alaskan Interceptions of BC Salmon: State of Knowledge Report Series Summary
Alaskan fisheries in Southeast Alaska (SEAK) intercept salmon returning to British Columbia (BC) rivers. Given the current depressed status of many BC wild salmon populations,... -
Williams and Sockeye Creeks Watershed Status Evaluation Report
This report provides the results from the first of several pilot applications of the Watershed Status Evaluation Protocol (WSEP) developed to help understand the status of a... -
Wild Salmon Policy Indicator Analysis for the Kispiox TSA
Wild Salmon Policy indicators including road density, stream crossing density, riparian disturbance, and anthropogenic total land cover alternation (TLCA) were calculated for... -
WWF - Watershed Report 2020
This report is an update to WWF's initial Canadian-wide assessment of the country's watershed from 2017. This reassessment was only done for the health indicators (flow, water... -
Tenas Project Indigenous Consultation and Engagement Plan
The primary purpose of the Indigenous Consultation and Engagement Plan is to describe the approach, methods and activities TCL is proposing to implement to continue its efforts... -
Tenas Project Application Information Requirements 2022
The Application Information Requirements (AIR) specifies the information that Telkwa Coal Limited (the Proponent) is required to provide in their Application for an... -
Steelhead Stock Status in British Columbia for Pacific States Marine...
Steelhead stock report on population abundance and declines in British Columbia.