Fish Passage GIS Analysis Version 2 Methodology and Output Data...
The BC Land Based Investment (LBI) fish passage program is focused on remediating stream crossings that impede freshwater fish migration. The most common barrier to fish is... -
Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review: Summary of Data, Methodology,...
The Upper Bulkley Fish and Aquatic Review project produced a set of analyses focused on select pressure and quantity indicators as determined by the Wild Salmon Policy Strategy... -
Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 12: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates, and fish... -
Skeena Salmon Conservation Units Habitat Report Cards: Chinook, coho, pink,...
This dataset provides a link to a report from the Pacific Salmon Foundation describing the methods and results of a synoptic regional-scale overview of habitat pressures and... -
Skeena Lake Sockeye Conservation Units: Habitat Report Cards
This dataset provides a link to a report from the Pacific Salmon Foundation describing the methods and results of a synoptic regional-scale overview of habitat pressures and... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Re-sampling of...
This report summarizes past fish inventory efforts and results in context with data collected during re-sampling to present a comprehensive picture of fish distribution in the... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Remediation Sites
Points where a barrier to fish passage has been rectified or remediated. This is the third phase in the process and can only follow after (1) an assessment has been performed on... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Habitat Confirmation Sites
Points where an evaluation of the fish habitat up and downstream of a road crossing have been carried out. Phase 2 of 4 in the Fish Passage Workflow, Habitat Confirmations are... -
Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage
The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets including the Fisheries Information... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Assessment Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Design Proposal Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure and found to be a failure. Design points have been identified as a priority for... -
PSCIS Assessments
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Morice Fish and Aquatic Habitat Review 2013
The purpose of this project is to document alterations and impacts to Wet’suwet’en land and resources, particularly in regard to anadromous and freshwater resident fish and... -
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Culverts
A Culvert is a pipe (less than 3m in diameter) or half-round flume used to transport or drain water under or away from the road and/or right of way. Culverts that are greater... -
Fish Passage Culvert Inspections
This project was implemented to assess fish passage at culvert-bearing stream crossings. These assessments were carried out at culvert crossings installed on fish-bearing... -
Catalogue of Salmon Streams and Spawning Escapements of Statistical Area 4...
This resource from Ecocat is a catalogue containing each stream's location, spawning distribution, barriers and points of difficult ascent, escapement records, and other general... -
1996 Reconnaissance Dahlaks Creek Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory
In the summer of 1996, Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. was contracted by West Fraser Mills Ltd., Skeena Sawmills Division to perform reconnaissance level stream... -
Bulkley River and Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning
In April of 2020, the Society for Ecosystem Restoration Northern British Columbia (SERNbc) undertook an initiative to plan and conduct fish passage restoration planning...