The Selective Action of Gillnets on Sockeye and Pink Salmon Stocks
The purpose of this study is to determine selective properties of nylon gillnet presently utilized in the Skeena river gillnet fishery, to relate selective properties and... -
The Oceanography of Chatham Sound, British Columbia
This paper is concerned with a detailed analysis of the data obtained during the 1948 oceanographic survey of Chatham Sound that was to determine whether there was any obvious... -
Perspectives on Policy in the British Columbia Salmon Fisheries
The purpose of this thesis is to adequately and accurately outline the perspectives of both the user (harvester) groups in the B.C. salmon fisheries and the modern... -
Northwest Coast Traditional Salmon Fisheries System of Resource Utilization
This thesis presents evidence that traditional systems of salmon production were generally coincident with seasonal migrations of adult salmon returning from marine environments... -
A Polymorphic Population of Oncorhynchus Nerka at Babine Lake, B.C....
This thesis studies the reproductive behavior, life cycles, and physical differences between Kokanee and Sockeye salmon in the Babine Lake streams, along with the possible... -
12,000+ Years of Change: Linking Traditional and Modern Ecosystem Science in...
The Reports usually contain papers from international workshops and research projects at the Centre. They report terminal works that are abstracted in Aquatic Science and...