Guide to Peak Flow Estimation for Ungauged Watersheds in the Skeena Region
This is a historical guide documenting peak flow data from the early 1930s to late 1980s. This data for the region is presented tables, maps and graphs, and provides examples of... -
2015 Assessment Report on the Topley Richfield Property
Exploration during 2015 was designed to located and sample all historic showings and to map the old trenches, shafts and declines within the property. With an estimated 20,000... -
Bulkley River Chinook Broods
The following are summaries of chinook assessment carried out during 1999 and 2000 broodstock collection activities on the Upper Bulkley River. -
BC's Old Growth Forest: A Last Stand for Biodiversity
The report includes a series of detailed recommendations to prevent the loss of the last of the very rare and highly important productive old forest, and to manage the remainder... -
B.C. Wild Salmon Advisory Council Recommendations for a Made-in-B.C. Wild...
The recommendations in this report aim to contribute to reversing the declining trajectory of wild salmon in B.C., and to help stimulate community economies through a focus on... -
Skeena River Estuary Synthesis Report
The research outlined in this report answers questions relating to the estuarine environment and ecology of the Skeena River estuary, with a focus on juvenile salmon.... -
Seymour Lake Excerpts from Targeted BC Aquatic Invasive Plant Inventories
The presence of aquatic invasive plants in waterbodies throughout British Columbia have caused significant ecological and economic damage. Targeted aquatic invasive plant... -
Reconnaissance Inventory of Boucher Lake
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd. was retained by the Fisheries Branch of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks in Smithers, British Columbia, to conduct a reconnaissance... -
Options for a Made-In-BC Wild Salmon Strategy
This document is the first phase of the Wild Salmon Advisory Council's (WSAC) work. This report presents the Council members’ first and high-level consideration of what might be... -
Old Growth Deferral Areas
In November 2021, the BC Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel released eight maps outlining the most at risk old forest for immediate deferral. This dataset includes the... -
Landscape and Biophysical Controls of Lake Productivity to Inform Evaluation...
A report studying sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) located in the North and Central Coast (NCC) of British Columbia. Given the limited resources of assessment for salmon... -
Coastal Watershed Assessment Procedure Guidebook (CWAP) Interior Watershed...
This guidebook has been prepared to help forest resource managers plan, prescribe and implement sound forest practices that comply with the Forest Practices Code. The... -
Tyhee Lake Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Profile Monitoring
Profile measurements of Tyhee Lake including depth, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen collected by the Tyhee Lake Protection Society at the Tyhee Lake @ Deep Station Site...