Portal accessing real-time water-related data, including dataset download, mapping, and creation of charts. Parameters include snow surveys, surface water discharge, groundwater... -
Analysis and Priority Identification of Existing Fish Passage Data: Bulkley...
For this project, existing fish passage information in the Bulkley River watershed located near Smithers, British Columbia, was reviewed in order to prioritize and rank culverts... -
Maps of DFO Pacific Salmon conservation units with salmon spawning and...
Maps of the DFO pacific salmon conservation units by species. -
Freshwater Atlas Aquatic Obstructions
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Worldwide Reference System (WSP) 2 Used in Cataloging Landsat 7 & 8 Data
This .zip file will provide row and path number for the imagery of interest. Provided in Georeferenced TIFF format, projection WGS84. -
Tyhee Lake Monitoring Results
A weblink to the Tyhee Lake sampling history and monitoring results on the BC Lake Monitoring Network. -
Tributary Sockeye Escapement Monitoring and Mapping
The dataset details reports on the Lakelse Sockeye Rehabilitation Project lasting from 2005 to 2006. The project was conducted on Lakelse Lake Tributaries and provides mapping... -
Timber Harvesting Practices and Mountain Goat Habitat Project 2007–3
Mountain goats have been identified as a monitoring priority for the Babine watershed Monitoring Trust (BWMT) for the last two years. In 2007, the BWMT initiated a background... -
Sockeye Presence and Spawning Streams
Spawning and presence locale for sockeye salmon species within the Skeena Watershed. Information includes shape files and KMLs of stream segments with identified salmon presence. -
Skeena and Bulkley Rivers at Hazelton Floodplain Mapping
Includes designated floodplain mapsheets and channel survey data including cross section and road profiles, HEC2 GR data files, bridge sketches, plans showing location of cross... -
Shorezone and Shoreline Habitat Protection
Documentation of existing shoreline habitats around Prince Rupert, the Tsimshian peninsula and the Skeena River using high-resolution aerial imagery. -
Seymour Lake Yellow Floating Heart Map
Map showing the extent and treatment of the invasive Yellow Floating Heart (Nymphoides peltata) infestation on Seymour Lake near Smithers, BC. -
Project Overview Map Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory
Overview map for the fish and fish habitat inventory project in the Morice Forest District 1997. -
Prince Rupert Regional Ocean Observatories
Ocean Networks Canada’s observing systems deliver freely available, locally-relevant environmental data in real-time for scientific research that helps communities, governments,... -
Port of Prince Rupert Noise Monitoring Program
The Port of Prince Rupert (PPR) Noise Monitoring Program aims to show real time noise levels at active noise stations through the coloured circles on the right-hand corner map.... -
Pollution Tracker
PollutionTracker currently provides a high quality coast-wide baseline dataset. The pollutants detected in Phase 1 samples are a reflection of a variety of sources, including... -
Pink Even Conservation Units - Site Specific
DFO pink even conservation units in the Skeena watershed. Data is provided in shape file and KML format. Date stamp: 2010. -
Pink Even Conservation Units - Polygons
DFO pink even conservation units in the Skeena watershed. Data is provided in shape file and KML format. Date stamp: 2010. -
Morice Lake Depth Contour Map
Map of Morice Lake with depth contours at 100 and 200 foot intervals. -
Morice Lake Data Memorandum 1980
This data includes tow net catches of sockeye juveniles in Morice lake, 1961-65; estimated abundance of sockeye juveniles in Morice Lake in August, 1962-65; maps showing tow net...