Some Aspects of Food and Growth of Fish Species in Babine Lake
Food preferences and growth rates of various fish species in Babine Lake were analyzed. Kokanee fed primarily on plankton and insects, with no fish recorded in the diet. Insects... -
Preliminary Estimate of the Escapement of Summer Steelhead to the Nass River, 1998
Abundance estimates of the summer steelhead escapement to the Nass River was estimated with mark-recapture methods. The preliminary estimate was exploratory in nature and the... -
Mean Smolt Age Estimation and Under-Aging Bias of Nass River Steelhead Populations
In the Nass River watershed, juvenile and adult steelhead scales were collected to summarize the mean smolt ages for major summer and winter steelhead populations, and to... -
A Review of Stock Assessment Information for Skeena River Chinook
Skeena management has changed significantly over the last decade, particularly since 1993 with the formation of the Skeena Watershed Committee. Interest, concern, and the need... -
A Polymorphic Population of Oncorhynchus Nerka at Babine Lake, B.C....
This thesis studies the reproductive behavior, life cycles, and physical differences between Kokanee and Sockeye salmon in the Babine Lake streams, along with the possible... -
The Marking of Sockeye Salmon Fry (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Fulton River and...
The Fisheries Service of the Department of the Environment is currently attempting to increase sockeye production by increasing the number of fry entering the lake, thus making... -
The Incidence of Regenerated Scales Among Fraser River and Skeena River...
Scales of 4 and 5 year-old Skeena River and 4 year-old Fraser River sockeye of the 1963 brood year were examined for the incidence of regenerated scales. For the Skeena and... -
Age and Size of Rainbow Trout at the Outlet of Babine Lake and in Babine River
Rainbow trout are the most important sport fish in terms of angling effort in the Babine Lake system. Griffiths (1968) has reported on the age and growth of rainbow trout in the... -
New growth on Scales of Seaward-Migrating Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus...
The purpose of this report is to compare the incidence of circuli formed after the annulus (Fig. 1) (referred to here as "new growth") on the scales of early migrants with that... -
Incidental Tag Returns from a 1970 Steelhead Tagging Program on the Babine...
An additional report regarding the tag-recapture program instituted in cooperation with fishing lodges on the Babine River, aiming to provide some ancillary biological information. -
Evidence for Size-Selective Mortality of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon...
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the effect of body size at emergence on the subsequent survival of sockeye salmon fry in Babine Lake, British Columbia. -
A Habitat-Based Model of Steelhead Carrying Capacity for the Skeena River
This paper represents a habitat modelling process which estimates the carrying capacity through developing physical and biological processes which interact in ways governed by...