Technical Data Report: Conceptual Freshwater Fish Habitat Compensation Plan...
The objectives of this plan are three-fold. First, the plan describes the methods that will be used to quantify the amount of compensatory fish habitat needed to offset the... -
Reconnaissance Survey Seymour Lake Data Cards
These data cards describe the quality of Seymour lake, including the species and vegetation present and the current and potential recreational use. A chemical analysis for... -
Morice River Stream Survey August 1975
A survey investigating the fish, and especially the steelhead values, of the small feeder creeks of the Morice River was conducted from August 6-15, 1975. The biological data... -
Fisheries Assessment of Proposed Rip Rap Sites from Km17 to Km25 Morice River 1998
Slope failures along this section have led to a number of proposed remedial works, including rip rap placement at sites identified by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and... -
Seymour Lake Stocking and Planting Notes 1958
This resource includes hand written and typed reports regarding Seymour Lake stocking and planting in 1958.