Telkwa Coal Project Appendix 6: Baseline Data, Surface Water, and Groundwater 1994
Samples were collected for the first time from a watercourse on the proposed project site on the north side of the Telkwa, and from sites on the Telkwa River and Goathorn Creek... -
Nutrients and Algae in the Upper Bulkley River watershed 1997-2000
This study focused on the diffuse sources of nutrients and the trophic status of the Upper Bulkley River. Monthly water chemistry monitoring of the Upper Bulkley and tributaries... -
Davidson Project: Application for Environmental Assessment Certificate
This underground mining project will be located in the Bulkley-Nechako Regional District and in the traditional territory of the Wet'suwet'en people. Included in this dataset... -
BC Surface Water Monitoring Sites
The Surface Water Monitoring Sites web application allows users to browse a map interface to find freshwater monitoring locations throughout BC. Clicking on a station provides... -
BC Environmental Monitoring System Results
The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) test results as .csv files available for download. Results include physical, chemical and biological analyses of samples taken from... -
BC Environmental Monitoring System (EMS)
The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS), is the Ministry of Environment corporate electronic repository for the capture and extraction of results for chemical, physical and...