The Sports Fishery for Cutthroat Trout at Lakelse Lake
For the past 15 years, Lakelse Lake has supported an active sport fishery for cut-throat trout. Since 1950 the Fisheries Research Board of Canada has kept records of this... -
The Return of Sockeye Salmon Marked at Babine and Lakelse Lakes
The marking of young migrant salmon by removing certain fins is a well-established practice. The recapture of such individuals may provide information on times and routes of... -
Lakes of the Skeena River Drainage VI: The Lakes of the Upper Sustut River
This report summarizes the study of the lakes of the Upper Sustut River in 1946. Sustut Lake, Asitka Lake, Johanson Lake, Darb Lake, and Spawning lake were surveyed for fish... -
Lakes of the Skeena River Drainage - 2. Morice Lake
The second in a series presenting general information on the lakes of the Skeena river drainage particularly in so far as it affects salmon production. -
Comparison of the Fecundity of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the...
Skeena River sockeye salmon are caught by the fishery mainly with gillnets. It is generally recognized that gillnets are selective for size. Foskett (1958) compared the size of... -
An Investigation of Sockeye Egg Survival in Babine Lake
This investigation aims to characterize and map the shallow water nearshore habitat of Babine Lake and assess the value of this habitat for spawning sockeye and egg survival. -
Skeena Salmon Management Committee Annual Reports
The Skeena Salmon Management Committee was established by the Minister of Fisheries in 1954 to investigate the condition of Skeena River salmon stocks, to improve management of... -
Midwater Trawling for Sockeye Salmon Underyearlings (Oncorhynchus nerka) at...
This report describes the method and results of midwater trawling for underyearling sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Babine Lake, British Columbia, in 1967. The work was... -
Progress Reports on Babine Lake Sockeye Salmon Studies for Inclusion in the...
This report summarizes work carried out in 1966 and 1967 to answer two questions related to evaluation of the Babine Lake sockeye development project. These questions are, (l)... -
Prospects for the 1948 Salmon Catch on the Skeena River
From time to time enquiries have been made of the investigators as to their opinions of the size of runs which can be expected in a given area in an approaching season. For that... -
Stock Assessment of Early Run Skeena River Coho Salmon and Recommendations
Concerns have previously been expressed for the stock status of early run Skeena River coho salmon because of declining escapement levels. Available data on spawning escapements... -
Age and Physical Characteristics of Maturing Chinook Salmon of the Nass,...
During the last several years the Department of Fisheries of Canada has conducted "test-fishing" operations on the Nass, Skeena and Fraser rivers in order to obtain information... -
The Incidence of Regenerated Scales Among Fraser River and Skeena River...
Scales of 4 and 5 year-old Skeena River and 4 year-old Fraser River sockeye of the 1963 brood year were examined for the incidence of regenerated scales. For the Skeena and... -
Times of Passage of Skeena River Sockeye and Pink Salmon Through the...
The purpose of this report is to review the information presently available, which bears on the times of passage of the various Skeena sockeye and pink salmon stocks through the... -
Evaluation of the Sampling of the Skeena River 1968 Sockeye Catch
This report outlines the evaluation of the Skeena River 1968 Sockeye Catch. The sampling of sockeye and chum salmon was reduced in 1968 after a statistical evaluation was made... -
Age and Size of Rainbow Trout at the Outlet of Babine Lake and in Babine River
Rainbow trout are the most important sport fish in terms of angling effort in the Babine Lake system. Griffiths (1968) has reported on the age and growth of rainbow trout in the... -
Moricetown Falls as a Hazard to Salmon Migration
In any salmon conservation program, the successful escapement of the mature adults to the spawning grounds in fresh water is an important factor. The presence of any obstruction... -
New growth on Scales of Seaward-Migrating Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus...
The purpose of this report is to compare the incidence of circuli formed after the annulus (Fig. 1) (referred to here as "new growth") on the scales of early migrants with that... -
Update of Stock Status Information for Early Run Skeena River Coho Salmon...
This paper updates stock status information used in the previous two papers and examines some new information on juvenile rearing densities which has been collected over the... -
Fisheries Management Plan Skeena/Nass Salmon 1995
Fisheries management plan for the north coast encompassing Areas 3, 4, 5, 103, 104, 105, and the complete drainages of the Skeena and Nass Rivers.