Freshwater Atlas Aquatic Obstructions
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Bulkley Higher Level Plan GIS Data Cut to Babine Watershed
GIS Shape files from the Bulkley Higher Level Plan Orders as they relate to the Lower Babine Watershed (Babine River). -
Watershed Status Evaluation: An Assessment of 71 Watersheds Meeting BC's...
This pilot project used the WSE Tier I GIS-based methods described in Porter et al. (2013) to assess the watershed indicator “risk” status of 71 watersheds across most of... -
Water Rights Licenses - Public
This is a province-wide SDE spatial layer displaying water rights licence data administrated under the Water Sustainability Act which includes data for both surface water and... -
TANTALIS - Surveyed Right-of-way Parcels
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of all parcels of land surveyed for statutory access or Right-of-Way purposes, with active surveys, that are or have... -
TANTALIS - Crown Land Rights-of-way
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of active and applied for Statutory Rights-of-way. Statutory rights-of-way are registerable in a Land Titles office,... -
TANTALIS - Conservancy Areas
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of the conservancy areas designated under the Park Act or by the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act, whose... -
Steelhead Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Sockeye Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Salmon (General) Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Recreation Polygons
The spatial representation of a recreation feature. This can be either a recreation reserve, recreation site, or an interpretative forest. -
Range Tenure
This spatial layer displays Range Tenures (grazing and hay cutting licence and permits) administered by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. A Range... -
Pink Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Old Growth Management Areas - Legal - Current
This data represents legally established and spatially defined areas of old growth forest that are identified during landscape unit planning or an operational planning process. -
Natural Resource Sector Major Projects
Link to access/download dataset from the BC Data Catalogue -
Morice Land and Resource Management Plan
The Morice LRMP provides policy direction on the management of land and resources in the Morice LRMP area, and provides direction for the establishment of landscape level legal... -
Harvested Areas of BC (Consolidated Cutblocks)
This is spatial data depicting the cut block boundaries and year of harvest for crown lands within British Columbia. It is created from the provincial Forest Cover, from The... -
Freshwater Atlas of BC
The Freshwater Atlas (FWA) is a standardized dataset for mapping the province's hydrological features. The atlas defines watershed boundaries by height of land and provides a... -
Freshwater Atlas Zymoetz River Sub-Watershed Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005) and KML (EPSG 4326). Contains... -
Freshwater Atlas Wetlands
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML...