Fish Passage GIS Analysis Version 2 Methodology and Output Data...
The BC Land Based Investment (LBI) fish passage program is focused on remediating stream crossings that impede freshwater fish migration. The most common barrier to fish is... -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
Trophic Status of B.C. Lakes
Map and listing of B.C. lakes assessed through the B.C. Lake Monitoring Network. Lakes are characterized as Oligotrophic, Mesotrophic, or Eutrophic. -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Remediation Sites
Points where a barrier to fish passage has been rectified or remediated. This is the third phase in the process and can only follow after (1) an assessment has been performed on... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Habitat Confirmation Sites
Points where an evaluation of the fish habitat up and downstream of a road crossing have been carried out. Phase 2 of 4 in the Fish Passage Workflow, Habitat Confirmations are... -
Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage
The Provincial Obstacles to Fish Passage theme presents records of all known obstacles to fish passage from several fisheries datasets including the Fisheries Information... -
Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS) Design Proposal Sites
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure and found to be a failure. Design points have been identified as a priority for... -
Parks, Ecological Reserves, and Protected Areas
This dataset contains parks and protected areas managed for important conservation values and are dedicated for the preservation of their natural environments for the... -
PSCIS Assessments
Points where a fish passage assessment has been performed on a stream crossing structure. These includes culverts, bridges, fords, etc. The assessments are carried out to... -
Known BC Fish Observations and BC Fish Distributions
This point location dataset of fish observations is a regularly updated compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial... -
Interim Assessment Protocol for Aquatic Ecosystems in British Columbia:...
The Aquatic Ecosystems assessment protocol currently describes the derivation of a core set of watershed indicators that can be calculated consistently across the province using... -
Hydrometric Stations - Active and Discontinued
BC active and discontinued hydrometric stations (surface water level and flow data) that are part of the provincial hydrometric network managed under a national program jointly... -
Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) - Points (SVW)
The dataset contains projects that are currently, or have been, subject to environmental assessment review. Attributes include the project description, project phase, decision,... -
BC Active and Discontinued Hydrometric Stations
Identifies existence and locations of active and discontinued hydrometric stations. -
Automated Snow Weather Stations
Locations of automated snow weather stations, active and inactive. Automated snow weather stations are components of the BC snow survey network.