Freshwater Atlas Aquatic Obstructions
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Fish Observations within Lake Babine Territory
This point location dataset of fish observations is a compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial databases including... -
Bulkley Higher Level Plan GIS Data Cut to Babine Watershed
GIS Shape files from the Bulkley Higher Level Plan Orders as they relate to the Lower Babine Watershed (Babine River). -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
Worldwide Reference System (WSP) 2 Used in Cataloging Landsat 7 & 8 Data
This .zip file will provide row and path number for the imagery of interest. Provided in Georeferenced TIFF format, projection WGS84. -
Upper Bulkley Restoration Sites
Link to the Upper Bulkley restoration sites map on the Skeena Maps Portal. The restoration sites represent ongoing and recent (post-2016) restoration sites in the Upper Bulkley... -
TANTALIS - Surveyed Right-of-way Parcels
This dataset contains the spatial representation (polygon) of all parcels of land surveyed for statutory access or Right-of-Way purposes, with active surveys, that are or have... -
Steelhead Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Sockeye Presence and Spawning Streams
Spawning and presence locale for sockeye salmon species within the Skeena Watershed. Information includes shape files and KMLs of stream segments with identified salmon presence. -
Sockeye Presence and Spawning Lakes
Spawning and presence locale for sockeye species within the Skeena Watershed. Information includes shape files and KMLs of lake polygons with identified salmon presence. -
Sockeye Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Shorezone and Shoreline Habitat Protection
Documentation of existing shoreline habitats around Prince Rupert, the Tsimshian peninsula and the Skeena River using high-resolution aerial imagery. -
Salmon (General) Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Pink Odd Presence and Spawning Streams
Spawning and presence locale for sockeye pink salmon species within the Skeena Watershed. Information includes shape files and KMLs of stream segments with identified salmon... -
Pink Fish Observation Data
Fish Observation Data from GeoBC (October 2016) that is clipped to the Skeena Watershed. -
Pink Even Presence and Spawning Streams
Spawning and presence locale for pink salmon species within the Skeena Watershed. Information includes shape files and KMLs of stream segments with identified salmon presence. -
Pink Even Conservation Units - Site Specific
DFO pink even conservation units in the Skeena watershed. Data is provided in shape file and KML format. Date stamp: 2010. -
Pink Even Conservation Units - Polygons
DFO pink even conservation units in the Skeena watershed. Data is provided in shape file and KML format. Date stamp: 2010. -
MTA - Mineral, Placer and Coal Tenure Spatial View
Holds data for mineral, placer claims and leases, as well as, coal licence applications, licences and leases within the Province of British Columbia. This is the spatial view... -
Landsat 8 Satellite Images from 2013-2017
Landsat 7 Satellite Images from 2013 - 2017. Data is provided by WRS path and row number. Data files follow the new USGS Landsat categories and are classified as Collection 1...