Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development 1975
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development Prince Rupert Bulk Loading Facility - Phase 1 and 2 Phase 1: Bulk Marine Terminal Sites... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
Superport Development Preliminary Environmental Effect Assessment
A preliminary environmental effects assessment relating to the potential port sites identified in the Port Development Study by Wright Engineers Limited for the National... -
Skeena Delta Sedimentation, British Columbia
Sediment samples were collected from the sea floor off the delta front, from the lower reaches of the Skeena River channels, and from small beaches and basins in the vicinity of... -
Skeena Cumulative Effects Assessment
This Skeena Cumulative Effects Assessment (SCEA) documents the analysis of the cumulative effects of individual and multiple physical, biological and chemical stressors... -
Ridley Island Port Construction Activities - 1982: Background and...
This report contains the findings of an EPS program carried out in the summer of 1982 to monitor the effects on the receiving environment of port construction activities... -
Project Description Prince Rupert LNG
Prince Rupert LNG Limited (PRLNG) proposes to develop a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility on Ridley Island at the Port of Prince Rupert British Columbia (BC). The name of the... -
Prince Rupert Marine Risk Assessment
This study provides Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) with an assessment of the risks due to future operations of LNG and oil tankers in the Prince Rupert gateway, to compare... -
Prince Rupert Landfill Leachate: Impact on Hays Creek
This report documents the leachate and creek water chemistry findings and remove all doubt that the creek is adversely affected. -
Prince Rupert Area Coastal Fish Habitat Bibliography
A bibliography of existing coastal information describing habitat and biota. -
Khyex-Tyee: Foreshore Habitat Re-construction Works
This report documents the foreshore habitat compensation works constructed by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways as part of the Highway 16 reconstruction project,... -
Grassy Point LNG-Dome Environmental Assessments
Environmental assessments, risk analysis, and proposals for the development of a LNG terminal facilities at Grassy Point. -
Environmental Review of Proposed Port Development in Prince Rupert, B.C.
This report suggests possible port locations in the Prince Rupert area and has formed the basis for subsequent environmental studies. -
Effluent Sites in the Prince Rupert and Port Edward Harbour Area
A summary of sewage outfalls and industrial outfalls in Prince Rupert and the surrounding area. -
Cow Bay, Prince Rupert Development & Enhancement Plan
Reports and correspondence related to development plans, enhancement plans, and habitat assessment of Lot 17 in Cow Bay, Prince Rupert. -
Bulk Liquids Terminal South Kaien Island Prince Rupert, B.C.
This environmental report is part of a 4-volume series of reports which address the proposed bulk liquids terminal at South Kaien Island, Prince Rupert, B.C. -
A Cursory Investigation of the Productivity of the Skeena River Estuary
An investigation of the productivity of the Skeena River estuary subsequent to receipt of a port development proposal near Prince Rupert. -
A Biophysical Inventory of and Habitat Assessment for the Intertidal and...
Habitat assessment for the rebuilding of the deteriorating mooring wall in Prince Rupert.