Fish Observations within Lake Babine Territory
This point location dataset of fish observations is a compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial databases including... -
Estimating the Abundance of Adult Steelhead in the Babine River Using Mark...
A mark recapture study was conducted by angling on the upper 20 kilometers of the Babine River in an attempt to estimate the abundance of overwintering adult steelhead. The... -
Babine River Steelhead, 1993/94: Population Estimate and Weir Assessment
This steelhead study included a population estimate of the upper Babine River and a trial operation of the Babine River Weir for future enumeration of the upper Babine and... -
Babine Lake Creel Survey at Fulton and Pinkut Creeks in 1990
Total angler effort and rainbow trout catch at Fulton and Pinkut Creeks in Babine Lake was estimated from May 1 to June 9, 1990 to document the catch of mature or spawner size... -
Aquatic Stream Inventory: Tanglechain IRM Unit 1996
The overall purpose of this project was to conduct fisheries inventory (to Resource Inventory Committee (RIC) standards) in operational areas identified by HFP in the Tanglechain. -
A Survey of Upper Babine River Steelhead Anglers during the Classified...
The Babine River of the Skeena Region is well known for providing a high quality steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) recreational fishery. In 1990, the province of B.C. implemented... -
Water Temperature, River Discharge, and Adult Sockeye Salmon Migration...
Water temperature, river discharge, and adult sockeye salmon migration observations in the Babine watershed, 1946-2014. Historical meteorological and hydrological data were... -
Upper Skeena Steelhead Fry Population Monitoring
Juvenile fish sampling was conducted in the Upper Skeena area. Objectives included: to collect basic inventory data on juvenile steelhead in some "unknown" areas and to annually... -
The Return of Sockeye Salmon Marked at Babine and Lakelse Lakes
The marking of young migrant salmon by removing certain fins is a well-established practice. The recapture of such individuals may provide information on times and routes of... -
Skeena River Sockeye Escapement and Distribution
This report presents the various methods employed for determining the escapements to each known spawning area, the spawning estimates made for the years 1944 to 1948, and maps... -
Review of Resident Game Fish Life History and Abundance Information for Babine Lake
Babine Lake is the largest unimpounded lake entirely within the province of British Columbia, and likely receives more annual angler days than any other lake in Skeena Region.... -
Report of the Skeena Independent Science Review Panel
The Panel’s report is divided into five major topic areas: (1) the fish and the fisheries, (2) habitat status and protection, (3) critical monitoring needs for future... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Tributaries to...
Portions of the Fulton River watershed, and a series of inlet streams to the west shore of Babine Lake between the Fulton River and Newman Island were surveyed in July 1997,... -
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory of Selected Inlet...
In conjunction with extensive historical information, ten of the 129 stream reaches in the study areas (Sub-basins IV, and V) and one lake in Sub-basin IV were sampled during... -
Radio Telemetry Investigations of Babine River Steelhead, Spring 1990
The Babine River ranks as one of the best wild steelhead rivers in the world. It is one of British Columbia's five Class I rivers; streams with this classification offer... -
Proceedings from the World Summit on Salmon
The World Summit on Salmon evolved in response to growing concerns of scientists and others about the future of the salmon stocks of the world, in light of the recent collapses... -
Pacific Salmon Commission Northern Boundary Technical Committee Report:...
This document presents an assessment of the status of coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch) in the Canadian northern boundary areas with emphasis on the Skeena River. The content... -
Ned'u'ten Fisheries Commission 1996/97
The 1996 harvest was unprecedented in a number of ways. It was the first time that all three nations in the Skeena watershed have worked together on such a huge scale. It was... -
Nadina Stream Crossings
These reports summarize the results of field surveys conducted in 2006, 2007, and 2009. The project area is located approximately 300km west of Prince George. All streams are... -
Movements of Wild Summer Run Steelhead Tagged with Radio Transmitters in the...
Radio telemetry was used for the second consecutive migration year to determine the proportion of wild, Babine River adult summer run steelhead migrating through the Department...