The Wet'suwet'en Fisheries Bulkley/Morice River Steelhead Tagging Project at...
Since 1999, the Moricetown Salmon Tagging Program has been conducted on the Bulkley River by the Wet’suwet’en Fisheries and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, with the inclusion of... -
Stock Identification of Skeena River Summer Steelhead using Microsatallite DNA Loci
The objective of this study was to estimate stock composition of steelhead trout caught in test fisheries in the lower portion of the Skeena River drainage near Tyee and to... -
Steelhead Bycatch and Mortalities in the Commercial Skeena Net Fisheries of...
This report provides a chronological summary of a number of multi-faceted observer/monitoring programs that were conducted in the commercial approach fisheries to the Skeena... -
Skeena Steelhead Conservation Units
The purpose of this project is to provide an update of Skeena steelhead population structure that is more consistent with both the federal methodology and the intent of the wild... -
Report of the Skeena Independent Science Review Panel
The Panel’s report is divided into five major topic areas: (1) the fish and the fisheries, (2) habitat status and protection, (3) critical monitoring needs for future... -
Evaluation of a Mark-Recapture Procedure to Assess the Catchability Rate of...
Evaluation of the efforts made to design a mark-recapture program that could potentially meet several objective in a cost-effective fashion. -
Economic Dimensions of Skeena Watershed Salmonid Fisheries
This report presents an economic snapshot of contemporary fisheries for Skeena salmon and steelhead. -
An Overview of the Algorithms and Parameters used in the Skeena Steelhead...
The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of the model and identify the sources of the parameters used in the model. The overview will assist fisheries... -
An Exploratory Investigation on Possible Approaches Used to Minimize...
The objective of the present investigation is to formulate an approach that could potentially be used for decision making purposed. -
Acoustic Telemetry Measurements of Survival and Movements of Adult Steelhead...
This report details the findings of preliminary data on the apparent survival and migratory behaviours of returning Skeena River steelhead.