Toboggan Creek Hatchery Annual Reports
The Toboggan Creek Hatchery attempts to preserve and enhance the stocks of Coho and Chinook salmon populations in the Bulkley-Morice drainages. This dataset includes annual... -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
The Commercial Harvest of Salmon in British Columbia 1820-1877
This report reviews archival data on the earliest harvest of Pacific salmon in British Columbia by Europeans, first considering subsistence and export production by the Hudson's... -
Steelhead Bycatch and Mortalities in the Commercial Skeena Net Fisheries of...
This report provides a chronological summary of a number of multi-faceted observer/monitoring programs that were conducted in the commercial approach fisheries to the Skeena... -
Perspectives on Policy in the British Columbia Salmon Fisheries
The purpose of this thesis is to adequately and accurately outline the perspectives of both the user (harvester) groups in the B.C. salmon fisheries and the modern... -
Our Place at the Table: First Nations in the B.C. Fishery
This report lays out solutions and recommendations aimed at bringing a high degree of certainty to aboriginal and non-aboriginal interests alike while ensuring the conservation... -
Dynamics of Native Indian Food Fisheries on Salmon in B.C.
This paper analyzes responses of native food fisheries to fish abundance, using data from several areas in B.C. -
Digest of Interim Report Skeena River Salmon Investigation
This report briefly summarizes the findings of a five-year investigation of the salmon of the Skeena River system from 1944 to 1948. -
Commercial Interceptions of Steelhead Trout in the Skeena River - A...
Test fishing at Tyee was conducted by Fisheries and Marine Service from the first week in June until the last week in August, using standardized drift gillnet sets to monitor... -
Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Data reports provide a medium for filing and archiving data compilations where little or no analysis is included. Such compilations commonly will have been prepared in support... -
Benchmark Analysis for Lake Sockeye Conservation Units (CUs) in the Skeena
This project estimates benchmarks and status' for all conservation units (CUs) in the Skeena watershed. -
Wet'suwet'en Fisheries 1997 Final Report
This document presents the findings of the Office of the Wet'suwet'en regarding Wet'suwet'en Fisheries. Food fisheries, enforcement of habitat management and hunting guidelines,... -
PSF Climate Adaptation Workshop: State of Salmon and Climate Change Considerations
A link to a recording of the Pacific Salmon Foundation 2021 Climate Adaptation Workshop hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation. The goal of this workshop was to bring together...