BWMT Project Reports
This dataset contains eighteen reports initiated by the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust between 2003 and 2013. -
Drone monitoring of Maxan Creek restoration sites
Drone images (Ortho, DSM, DEM) for effectiveness monitoring of a site on Maxan Creek in May 2022 that underwent streambank stabilization in the fall of 2021. -
Historical Changes in Channel Morphology Nanika River
This report includes the analysis of historical air photos to identify the location and magnitude of changes in channel morphology over time. The area of interest is the 25 km... -
Morice River Watershed Morphometry, Glacier Inventory and Future Glacier Changes
Three reports are provided that aim to detail the dominant landscape and cryospheric determinants of water quality and quantity in the upper Morice River region from the... -
Analysis of Skeena River Tributaries Downstream from the Proposed Enbridge Pipeline
This study's objective was to develop and map metrics that delineate the areas of the Skeena River and its tributaries most vulnerable to potential pipeline spills associated... -
The Babine River Watershed: An Annotated Bibliography of Inventory,...
This bibliography was completed to provide an information base to the Babine Watershed Monitoring Group. This group is being established to coordinate monitoring of resource... -
Historical Changes in Channel Morphology in Bulkley River and Maxan Creek
Report includes the analysis of historical air photos to identify the location and magnitude of changes in channel morphology over time. The area of interest is the lower 10 km...