Fisheries Problems Associated with the Development of Logging Plans within...
This report has been prepared primarily to describe the fisheries problems associated with a large scale logging operation proposed for the system and to outline certain... -
Fish Observations within Lake Babine Territory
This point location dataset of fish observations is a compilation of BC fish distribution information taken from a combination of all the official provincial databases including... -
Estuaries Poster
Provides general information on estuaries and their importance. -
Detailed Fish Habitat, Riparian and Channel Assessment for Select Central...
Land use activities have had a significant impact on many of the tributaries within the central Bulkley River watershed. Preliminary air photo analysis has indicated that high... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1950 - 1972
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1950 to 1972. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1918 - 1949
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Area 4 Annual Reports from 1918 - 1949. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial... -
DFO Area 4 Reports 1973 - 1984
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1973 to 1984. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
Conserving Skeena Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report constitutes the Skeena Watershed Fish Sustainability Process Stage I document. Conserving Skeena Fish Populations and Their Habitat describes the planning process... -
Conserving Morice Watershed Fish Populations and their Habitat: Stage II...
This report addresses Stage II of the Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Planning process by developing the biophysical profile of the Morice Watershed. Stage II produced a... -
Conserving Lakelse Fish and their Habitat
Lakelse Watershed backgrounder - This backgrounder has been updated for the use of the Lakelse Lake Sockeye Recovery Plan (LLSRP) planning table. It briefly presents at a... -
Conserving Kispiox Fish Populations and their Habitat
This report was prepared for the Kispiox Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Plan (KWFSP) planning table. It briefly describes the origin, purpose, and benefits of Watershed-... -
Concepts and Approaches to WSP Benchmarks and Managing Mixed-Stock Fisheries
Explain some key concepts needed to determine WSP benchmarks and how these are extended to development of a multi-stock fishing plan, with input from community/industry advisors. -
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical... -
BC Fisheries Information
Provides web linkages to Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS), FISS Known Distribution maps, FISS standards and Fisheries Inventory Data Query (FIDQ), -
Assessing Estuaries as Stopover Habitats for Juvenile Pacific Salmon
Habitats along migratory routes may provide key resources for migratory species (e.g. stopover habitat). For example, migratory juvenile salmon transit through estuaries on... -
Aquatic Stream Inventory: Tanglechain IRM Unit 1996
The overall purpose of this project was to conduct fisheries inventory (to Resource Inventory Committee (RIC) standards) in operational areas identified by HFP in the Tanglechain. -
Aquatic Resource Baseline Studies Telkwa Coal Project 1997 - Draft 2
Aquatic studies were conducted in the vicinity of the Telkwa Coal Project during 1997. These studies included updating baseline information describing the periphyton and benthic... -
An Upstream Battle: Declines in 10 Pacific Salmon Stocks and Solutions for...
This report profiles the current status and trends of 10 examples of salmon stocks in British Columbia that are considered to be in a severe state of decline. (There are many... -
An Investigation into the Feasibility of Modifying Derelict Dams to Improve...
Skeena Fisheries Commission (SFC), in partnership with the Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Program conducted a feasibility assessment to determine whether salmon productivity in the... -
Alaskan Interceptions of BC Salmon: State of Knowledge Report Series Summary
Alaskan fisheries in Southeast Alaska (SEAK) intercept salmon returning to British Columbia (BC) rivers. Given the current depressed status of many BC wild salmon populations,...