Incidental Tag Returns from a 1970 Steelhead Tagging Program on the Babine...
An additional report regarding the tag-recapture program instituted in cooperation with fishing lodges on the Babine River, aiming to provide some ancillary biological information. -
1998 Stream Inventory Report Gosnell Creek Watershed
This report presents an overview of the key results of the fish and habitat sampling program including fish distribution, abundance, life history information and a comparison to... -
Steelhead Trout COSEWIC assessment and status report 2020
Link to the COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Thompson River and Chilcotin River populations) in Canada. -
Environmental Studies Associated with the Proposed Kemano Completion...
There is no description for this dataset
Environmental Mitigation Plan Strimbold Bridge Maxan Creek Deactivation
This environmental mitigation plan identifies the issues and mitigation measures to best accomplish the collapsed bridge removal with the least environmental impacts and the... -
Consequences of Catch-and-Release Angling on the Physiology, Behaviour, and...
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sub-lethal impacts and survival of wild steelhead following C&R angling. Steelhead were assessed for the presence of the... -
A Habitat-Based Model of Steelhead Carrying Capacity for the Skeena River
This paper represents a habitat modelling process which estimates the carrying capacity through developing physical and biological processes which interact in ways governed by... -
Skeena Tyee Test Fishery Visualization
This dataset presents records from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada gill net test fishery at Tyee in the lower Skeena River. The Tyee Test Fishery has been operating since 1955...