Morice Land and Resource Management Plan
The Morice LRMP provides policy direction on the management of land and resources in the Morice LRMP area, and provides direction for the establishment of landscape level legal... -
Morice Lake Depth Contour Map
Map of Morice Lake with depth contours at 100 and 200 foot intervals. -
Lakelse River Watershed - Review of Existing Information
This report reviews existing water, fisheries, and land-use related information for the Lakelse River watershed, considered for Fisheries Sensitive Watershed designation. This... -
Kispiox Watershed Fish Passage Culvert Inspection Assessment for Cullon,...
Kispiox Watershed Fish Passage Culvert Inspection Assessment for Cullon, Ironside, Corral and Clifford Sub-Basins. -
Kispiox Land and Resource Management Plan
The Kispiox Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) is a sub-regional land use plan for 1.2 million hectares in west central British Columbia. The LRMP provides management... -
Kalum Sustainable Resource Management Plan
This dataset includes the Kalum Sustainable Resource Management Plan (SRMP) and associated maps and spatial data. The goal of the Kalum SRMP is to provide a landscape level plan... -
Kalum Land and Resource Management Plan
The Kalum Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) encompasses 2.2 million hectares in Northwestern British Columbia. The plan represents the consensus reached by the... -
Identification of Fine Sediment Sources in the Telkwa Watershed: Initial Working Plan
Sediment sources, both fine and coarse (i.e. bedload) are of concern to many users of the Telkwa Watershed. We initiated a sediment monitoring program in the Telkwa watershed to... -
Hydrolic and Geomorphic Considerations for Silvicultural Investments on the...
Hydrologic and geomorphic considerations for silvicultural investments on the lower Skeena River floodplain. This report evaluates four inter-related components essential for... -
High Value Salmon Streams - Morice Forest District
This dataset was created to provide information to support informed management decisions for land and natural resource planning including wildlife management, protection of... -
Harvested Areas of BC (Consolidated Cutblocks)
This is spatial data depicting the cut block boundaries and year of harvest for crown lands within British Columbia. It is created from the provincial Forest Cover, from The... -
Freshwater Atlas of BC
The Freshwater Atlas (FWA) is a standardized dataset for mapping the province's hydrological features. The atlas defines watershed boundaries by height of land and provides a... -
Freshwater Atlas Zymoetz River Sub-Watershed Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005) and KML (EPSG 4326). Contains... -
Freshwater Atlas Wetlands
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Freshwater Atlas Upper Skeena River Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005) and KML (EPSG 4326). Contains... -
Freshwater Atlas Total Skeena Watershed Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format. Contains the total Skeena Watershed stream... -
Freshwater Atlas Sustut River Sub-Watershed Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005) and KML (EPSG 4326). Contains... -
Freshwater Atlas Rivers
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005), GeoJSON (EPSG 3005), and KML... -
Freshwater Atlas Obstructions
Link to access/download dataset from the BC Data Catalogue of water obstacles (rapids, falls, etc). -
Freshwater Atlas Morice River Sub-Watershed Stream Network
This Freshwater Atlas GIS data has been clipped to the Skeena watershed (date stamp October 2016). Data provided in shape file format (EPSG 3005) and KML (EPSG 4326). Contains...