Wild Salmon Policy Indicator Analysis for the Kispiox TSA
Wild Salmon Policy indicators including road density, stream crossing density, riparian disturbance, and anthropogenic total land cover alternation (TLCA) were calculated for... -
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince...
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada: A Comparison Between Kinematic and Dynamic Approaches. A Sediment... -
Streamflow Trends in the Skeena Region
This report is intended to improve the ability of the proponents of major projects (e.g., mines, run-of-river power projects) and the responsible regulatory agencies to address... -
Spatial Distribution of Mature and Old Forests Phase I: Uncertainty...
This project aims to inform the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust about new research related to spatial patterns on landscapes, and to thereby reduce uncertainty related to... -
Resource Development Patterns of the British Columbia Salmon Canning...
This thesis analyzed the long term history of the salmon canning industry along the B.C. coast between 1870 and 1970 to understand the spatial pattern of the processing plants... -
Current and Proposed Mining, Energy, and Forestry Development in Northwest...
Map showing salmon habitat overlain with current and proposed infrastructure development in northwest BC. Infrastructure includes roads, forestry cutblocks, mines, transmission...