Spatial Distribution of Mature and Old Forests Phase I: Uncertainty...
This project aims to inform the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust about new research related to spatial patterns on landscapes, and to thereby reduce uncertainty related to... -
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index Survey for the Nichyeskwa...
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) Survey for the Nichyeskwa Watershed, Skeena Stikine Forest District. This report presents the results of the SCQI survey... -
Results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) Survey for the Upper...
This report present the results of the Stream Crossing Quality Index (SCQI) survey conducted in the Upper Babine River Corridor during the week of July 4th, 2006. -
Rare Ecosystems of the Babine River Watershed
Our objective was to identify rare ecosystems in the watershed using existing data such as field reports, terrestrial ecosystem mapping projects, and predictive ecosystem... -
Range of Natural Variation in Structural Attributes of Young Stands
This study estimates the range of natural variability (RONV) for structural attributes remaining after fire, insects and wind disturbances within a variety of ecosystems of the... -
Bull Trout Habitat in the Babine Watershed: An Estimation of the Extent of...
The objective of the project is to estimate the amount of potential, probable and known bull trout habitat within the various validated management zones (e.g. Protected Areas,... -
Includes Annual Framework Monitoring Plans as well as Trust Agreement in the form of a user manual and a summary.