Provisional Estimates of Numbers and Biomass for Natural-Origin and...
This report provides provisional abundance estimates for pink, chum, and sockeye salmon in major regions of the North Pacific from 1952 through 2015 in terms of: numbers of... -
Migration Timing and Harvest Rates of the Steelhead Trout Populations of the...
Migration timing and harvest rates of steelhead trout were examined in relation to the harvest of sockeye salmon in the mixed-stock fishery of the Skeena River. Summer-run... -
Evaluating Relationships between Wild Skeena River Sockeye Salmon...
In Canada’s Skeena Watershed, smolt-to-adult survival of Babine Lake sockeye from 1962–2002 was inversely related to the abundance of sockeye smolts leaving Babine Lake. This... -
Retrospective Chinook Salmon Escapement Estimation to Skeena River Using...
This document has been written to meet the reporting requirements defined in the cost sharing agreement between the Pacific Salmon Commission and Fisheries and Oceans Canada,... -
A Habitat-Based Model of Steelhead Carrying Capacity for the Skeena River
This paper represents a habitat modelling process which estimates the carrying capacity through developing physical and biological processes which interact in ways governed by...