Morice Forest District Fisheries Data and Information Compilation Project
The purpose of this project was to compile existing fisheries information relating to fish species under provincial jurisdiction and, where appropriate, add the information to... -
Fish Passage Culvert Inspections
This project was implemented to assess fish passage at culvert-bearing stream crossings. These assessments were carried out at culvert crossings installed on fish-bearing... -
A Polymorphic Population of Oncorhynchus Nerka at Babine Lake, B.C....
This thesis studies the reproductive behavior, life cycles, and physical differences between Kokanee and Sockeye salmon in the Babine Lake streams, along with the possible... -
1:5,000 Fish and Fish Habitat Inventories of Unnamed Tributaries to Toboggan...
This report presents the results of the stream inventories, including stream classifications and a summary of fish captured, along with site, reach, and fish cards and site... -
Digging Behaviour of Oncorhynchus Nerka Spawning in Streams at Babine Lake,...
This paper compares the digging of male sockeye and kokanee with that of the females. Suggestions are made concerning its significance.