Portal accessing real-time water-related data, including dataset download, mapping, and creation of charts. Parameters include snow surveys, surface water discharge, groundwater... -
Guide to Peak Flow Estimation for Ungauged Watersheds in the Skeena Region
This is a historical guide documenting peak flow data from the early 1930s to late 1980s. This data for the region is presented tables, maps and graphs, and provides examples of... -
Assessment of the Impact of the Kemano II Proposal on the Fish and Wildlife...
In 1974 and 1975, the Fish and Wildlife Branch conducted field studies on the fish and wildlife populations in the Nanika-Kidprice system which would be affected by the proposed... -
Telkwa Coal Project: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates and fish... -
Cutthroat Fishery - Lakelse River/Lake
A compilation of various studies and emails between the researchers and the Ministry of Environment in regards to Lakelse Lake and River assessment through the years of 1969-2001. -
A Paleolimnological Assessment
Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Lakelse Lake, BC in 2002. Sediment cores were retrieved from the North and South basins from Lakelse Lake and shipped to Queen's... -
Watershed Assessment of the Kitseguekla Community Watershed
At the request of Skeena Cellulose Inc. Carnaby Division, a Watershed Assessment of the Kits Creek watershed was conducted by Freshwater Resources of Smithers, B.C. The... -
Water Science Series- Screening Tool for Guiding Short-Term Groundwater Curtailment
This report describes a spreadsheet-based screening tool to support statutory decision makers and regional water managers for guiding groundwater curtailment and data collection... -
Water Science Series - Monthly Water Budgets for Aquifers in the Oliver, B.C. Area
Preliminary monthly groundwater budgets were developed for seven aquifers in the Oliver Area of British Columbia in order to support groundwater allocation and licensing under... -
Water Science Series - Monthly Water Budget for the Similkameen Valley
Associated Environmental Consultants Inc. have developed a water budget model for the Similkameen Valley Quifer (Aquifer #259) to support groundwater allocation decisions and to... -
Water Science Series - Monthly Groundwater Budget for the Hopington Aquifer...
Preliminary monthly groundwater budgets were developed for seven aquifers in the Hopington - Salmon River Area of British Columbia in order to support groundwater allocation and... -
Water Science Series - Monthly Groundwater Budget for the Aquifers in the...
This report describes the development of a monthly groundwater budget model for the main aquifers underlying the City of Kelowna, which has experienced significant population... -
Water Science Series - Modelling Tools for Estimating Effects of Groundwater...
This report presents a literature review of surface water - groundwater (SW-GW) interactions, including case studies in BC, and an approach for characterizing SW-GW connectivity... -
Water Science Series - Guidance for Technical Assessment Requirements
The guidance document is for an applicant wishing to establish a new non-domestic groundwater supply. The document provides guidance to the applicant and the professional acting... -
Water Science Series - Groundwater Quality Survey of Aquifers in Areas of...
The study evaluates groundwater quality within wells in the South Wellington, Cassidy and North Oyster areas, south of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. It includes detailed results... -
Water Science Series - Determining the Likelihood of Hydraulic Connection
The Water Science Series is a technical publication focusing on scientific reports that relate to the understanding and management of B.C.’s water resources. The series... -
Water Resources Service Pollution Control Branch - Lakelse Lake Water Quality Study
A comprehensive water quality limnology study in Lakelse Lake was completed by the Pollution Control Branch in 1973 - 74. The expressed purpose of this study, as developed by... -
Water Quality: Second Report on Chemical Sensitivity of BC Lakes to Acidic Inputs
This second summary document provides information (pH, alkalinity, calcium, and sensitivity rating) for about 760 lakes sampled between 1977 and 1986. This represents about 3.5%... -
Water Quality in British Columbia Objectives Attainment
The setting of water quality objectives in priority basins in British Columbia began in 1982. By the end of 2002, the Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection had set water... -
Water Quality Objectives for Bulkley and Morice Rivers (1986)
This report includes an assessment of present water quality, a prediction of future water quality, recommended water uses that should be protected, and recommended monitoring to...