Lakelse Watershed Monitoring Program
Monitoring program focused on capturing water quality data from Lakelse Lake. The original data, information on citation, licence agreement, background information, maps, and... -
Lakelse Lake Limnology and Juvenile Fish Ecology: 2003 Update
In 2003, Fisheries and Oceans Canada personnel carried out a study of the limnology and fish ecology of Lakelse Lake. A similar study was also carried out in 1994. The focus of... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1950 - 1972
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1950 to 1972. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
DFO Area 4 Annual Reports 1918 - 1949
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Area 4 Annual Reports from 1918 - 1949. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial... -
Cutthroat Fishery - Lakelse River/Lake
A compilation of various studies and emails between the researchers and the Ministry of Environment in regards to Lakelse Lake and River assessment through the years of 1969-2001. -
Conserving Lakelse Fish and their Habitat
Lakelse Watershed backgrounder - This backgrounder has been updated for the use of the Lakelse Lake Sockeye Recovery Plan (LLSRP) planning table. It briefly presents at a... -
Chemical, Biological and Physical Characteristics of Lakelse Lake
The chemical, biological and physical characteristics of Lakelse Lake, B.C., were investigated during 1974-1975. This report also summarizes relevant fisheries - limnological... -
A Paleolimnological Assessment
Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Lakelse Lake, BC in 2002. Sediment cores were retrieved from the North and South basins from Lakelse Lake and shipped to Queen's... -
The Distribution of Aquatic Vegetation in Lakelse Lake and the Partitioning...
This report was requested by the regional staff as part of a complete study on Lakelse Lake. There was a need to know the value of aquatic plants, for fish habitat, and their... -
Sustaining Lakelse Lake
A brief summary and visual results to natural resources and perks in Lakelse Lake. -
Sediment Source Mapping, Detailed Channel Assessment, and Reconnaissance...
Sediment source mapping, detailed channel assessment, and reconnaissance sediment budget for Williams Creek for the period 1949 to 2001. This study has two components: (1)... -
Review and Assessment of Water Quality in the Skeena River Watershed,...
Historical water quality data presented for the Skeena River watershed are divided into nine subsequent sections, corresponding to the nine major watershed reaches. Each section... -
Lower Skeena River Floodplain Mapping
Skeena River (Lakelse River - Terrace - Usk) floodplain mapping (including Zymagotitz (Zymacord) and Kitsumkalum rivers). Includes designated floodplain mapsheets and channel... -
Lakelse Watershed Initiatives
A summary report of the main initiatives within the Lakelse watershed in 2016, which included William Creek sockeye seining, water samplings in various locations, fish sampling,... -
Lakelse River Steelhead: Summary of Current Data and Status Review, 1997
The steelhead population of Lakelse River is a major part of the recreational sport fishing opportunity for residents of the Terrace area as well as for visitors from around the... -
Lakelse Lake Water Quality Assessment and Objectives
This study assesses the water quality of Lakelse Lake. A summary report and detailed technical appendix are included. Report published February 1986. -
Lakelse Lake Draft Management Plan
The lake management planning process devises methods “to preserve and protect the quality and health of the Lakelse watershed”. This management plan marks the end of the first... -
Lakelse 2060: A 50 Year Vision for the Lakelse Watershed
The projects in this report are planning exercises based upon the simple thesis, “If you want this specific value in 50 years (be it swimming or water quality or grizzly bears),... -
Drinking Water Source Quality Monitoring 2002-03: Lakelse Lake and Mountain...
This document is part of a series presenting results of the B.C. Ministry of Environment (MoE, formerly Water, Land and Air Protection, WLAP) Skeena Region’s 2002-03 drinking... -
Attainment of Water Quality Objectives for Lakelse Lake in 2001-2003
Designated water uses for Lakelse Lake include raw drinking water supplies, primary-contact recreation, and aquatic and wildlife use. Water quality objectives set to protect the...