Analysis and Priority Identification of Existing Fish Passage Data: Bulkley...
For this project, existing fish passage information in the Bulkley River watershed located near Smithers, British Columbia, was reviewed in order to prioritize and rank culverts... -
An Inventory of Lars Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Old Man Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for more information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Swans Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Recent reports of serious declines of the rainbow trout sport fishery in this region have created a need for information on the annual recruitment and relative species... -
An Inventory of Gilmore Lake and its Outlet and Inlet Streams
Gilmore Lake was surveyed as part of the Burns Lake-Houston small lakes project in which a total of 10 lakes were examined. All of the lakes historically supported rainbow trout... -
Upper Zymoetz (Copper River) WRP Overview Fish and Riparian Assessment
This report summarizes fish and fish habitat values within the Copper River watershed and describes impacts to both the fisheries resource and riparian habitats regulating from... -
Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory for Forest Licences A-16823 and A-16825 Endako Area
Nine sub-drainages were surveyed within the area covered by this report. The predominant objectives of this project were to provide reach-specific information on fish... -
Fish Passage Assessment of Highway 16 and CN Rail in the Bulkley Watershed
This Bulkley fish passage assessment is part of a larger regional effort to improve fish passage limited by highways and secondary roads throughout the Skeena Basin. The purpose... -
Davidson Project: Application for Environmental Assessment Certificate
This underground mining project will be located in the Bulkley-Nechako Regional District and in the traditional territory of the Wet'suwet'en people. Included in this dataset... -
Davidson Environmental Assessment Fish Habitat Addendum Report
This report describes baseline studies of fish habitat conducted in the Davidson Project area in 2007 and 2008. The objectives of these studies were to 1) assess fish habitat... -
Comments Re Fish Habitat At Four Enbridge Crossings in Maxan, Gosnell, and...
This document looks at proposed Enbridge stream crossings and presents comments concerning critical habitats in these systems. Upper Maxan Creek, Gosnell Creek, and Clore River... -
Canada's Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon: Stream, Lake, and...
This report documents the methodology used by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to identify potential Strategy 2 habitat indicators, metrics, and benchmarks (as well... -
Burns Lake Region: Rainbow Trout Sampling "Summary Report"
Ten small lakes between Burns Lake and Houston, British Columbia (Bulkley River headwaters) were surveyed: Bulkley Lake, Watson Lake, Day Lake, Elwin Lake, Gilmore Lake, Sunset... -
Aquatic Stream Inventory: Operational Stream Inventory in the Morrison IRM Unit 1996
The overall purpose of this project was to conduct fisheries inventory in operational areas identified by Houston Forest Products in the Morrison Integrated Resource Management... -
1:5,000 Fish and Fish Habitat Inventories of Unnamed Tributaries to Toboggan...
This report presents the results of the stream inventories, including stream classifications and a summary of fish captured, along with site, reach, and fish cards and site...