Exchamsiks Backchannel Rehabilitation 2008
The Exchamsiks Backchannel area was recognized as having tremendous potential to provide necessary juvenile salmonid habitat in the lower Skeena River. The project focused on... -
Scully Creek Restoration Project 2013
This report discusses the Scully Creek Restoration Project, which involved improving access to quality spawning habitat by the removal of beaver dams and improved beaver... -
Tributary Sockeye Escapement Monitoring and Mapping
The dataset details reports on the Lakelse Sockeye Rehabilitation Project lasting from 2005 to 2006. The project was conducted on Lakelse Lake Tributaries and provides mapping... -
Lakelse Lake Sockeye Rehabilitation Program: Hatchery Creek Spawning Habitat...
This report summarizes a habitat improvement project which was funded by the Pacific Salmon Commission and is intended to be a record of the project to provide a better...