Telkwa Coal Project: Application for a Project Approval Certificate
The Application should be read in the context that it is the basis for the first major stage of the Environmental Assessment Process as it applies to new mine developments... -
Stomach Contents of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in Chatham Sound and Adjacent Waters
The focus of this study examines the diet of young salmon in Chatham Sound and adjacent waters. -
Review of the Hydrology, Geomorphology, Ecology & Management of the Skeena...
Review of the hydrology, geomorphology, ecology and management of the Skeena River floodplain. This review of the natural and human history of the floodplain of the lower Skeena... -
Preliminary Survey of Juvenile Salmonid Rearing Habitat Summer 1976: Upper...
A preliminary study of the juvenile salmonid populations of the Upper Kalum River and its tributaries was conducted during August 1976. The objectives of the study were: to... -
Kitimat - Summit Lake Pipeline Looping Project: Assessment Report
The purpose of this Assessment Report is to: describe the Project; summarize the process for the review of the Application; report on the adequacy of the Proponent’s... -
Estuaries on the North Coast of British Columbia: a Reconnaissance Survey of...
This survey acquires the ecological information on plant community types occurring in estuaries on the north coast and creates a site classification. It also surveys and... -
1982 Investigations of Adult Coho Salmon in the Telkwa River
A study to provide more detailed information on the timing and distribution of adult coho salmon spawning in the Telkwa River Basin was conducted between September and December...