Skeena Salmon Test Fishery 1987
Information relating to the Skeena River gillnet test fishery program for 1987 and a summary for the years 1955 to 1976 is presented in this report. Daily catch of all salmon... -
Morice River Steelhead Trout: the 1976 and 1977 Sport Fishery and Life...
The Morice River, located in West-central British Columbia, is one of several Skeena River tributaries that support a late summer and fall sport fishery for steelhead trout. In... -
Comparison of the Fecundity of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the...
Skeena River sockeye salmon are caught by the fishery mainly with gillnets. It is generally recognized that gillnets are selective for size. Foskett (1958) compared the size of... -
Application of Microsatellite DNA Variation to Estimation of Stock...
Microsatellite loci can be used to estimate spawning escapements of individual Pacific salmon populations returning to remote spawning locations throughout large river systems... -
Abundance, age, size, sex and coded wire tag recoveries for chinook salmon...
A key streams program was initiated in 1984 by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to monitor the success of management actions in several important chinook producing streams... -
A Review of Stock Assessment Information for Skeena River Chinook
Skeena management has changed significantly over the last decade, particularly since 1993 with the formation of the Skeena Watershed Committee. Interest, concern, and the need... -
A Life History Model for Assessing Alternative Management Policies for...
Population and fishery dynamics are modelled to assess performance of alternative harvest policies for chinook that spawn in western North America. The sensitivity of model... -
Reconstruction of the Total Return of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to...
An assessment of the total return of sockeye salmon to the Skeena River is presented for brood years from 1965 to 1982. Annual reconstructions required catch and spawning... -
Age and Physical Characteristics of Maturing Chinook Salmon of the Nass,...
During the last several years the Department of Fisheries of Canada has conducted "test-fishing" operations on the Nass, Skeena and Fraser rivers in order to obtain information... -
Age and Size of Rainbow Trout at the Outlet of Babine Lake and in Babine River
Rainbow trout are the most important sport fish in terms of angling effort in the Babine Lake system. Griffiths (1968) has reported on the age and growth of rainbow trout in the...