Upper Sustut, Lower Sustut, and Bear River Steelhead: Summary of Current...
This report summarizes the stock status, and current data available on, the upper Sustut, lower Sustut, and Bear River steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations. The upper... -
The Life History of Adult Steelhead Sampled in the Tyee Test Fishery in the...
This report summarizes age, size, and sex for the steelhead sampled at Tyee in four years (1973 - 1976) of test fishing. Comparisons are made with similar information on... -
Summaries of The Moricetown Falls Steelhead and Coho Release Project
Steelhead and coho returning to the Bulkley and Morice rivers pass through Moricetown between late July and late September. The "early" component of this steelhead run, and the... -
Steelhead Stock Assessment, 1983
Management prescriptions for specific waters have been identified. In most situations, these have or will be incorporated into the production program. The immediate future of... -
Review of the Escapement of Adult Steelhead to the Upper Sustut River
This report reveals the enumeration of the upper Sustut River steelhead population, which has provided fisheries managers with yearly population index values and time series... -
Results of the Kloiya River Resistivity Counter
The objective of this study was to quantify juvenile steelhead abundance and estimate values for habitat capacity thresholds. In 2005, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) began... -
Movements of Summer Run Steelhead Trout Tagged with Radio Transmitters in...
Radio telemetry was used to determine spawning locations of wild adult summer run steelhead in the Zymoetz River. Conventional angling methods were used to capture adult... -
Movements of Babine River Summer Run Steelhead Tagged with Surgically and...
The primary purpose of this investigation was to assess whether fish behavior differed between the two implementation times and methodologies. The secondary objectives were to... -
Evaluation of a Mark-Recapture Procedure to Assess the Catchability Rate of...
Evaluation of the efforts made to design a mark-recapture program that could potentially meet several objective in a cost-effective fashion. -
Estuaries on the North Coast of British Columbia: a Reconnaissance Survey of...
This survey acquires the ecological information on plant community types occurring in estuaries on the north coast and creates a site classification. It also surveys and... -
Enumeration of Adult Steelhead in the Upper Sustut River
Th objectives of the enumeration program were to index the Upper Sustut river steelhead population, examine the sex, number, growth, and size distribution of previously tagged... -
Commercial Interceptions of Steelhead Trout in the Skeena River - A...
Test fishing at Tyee was conducted by Fisheries and Marine Service from the first week in June until the last week in August, using standardized drift gillnet sets to monitor... -
An Exploratory Investigation on Possible Approaches Used to Minimize...
The objective of the present investigation is to formulate an approach that could potentially be used for decision making purposed. -
An Evaluation of Fish Habitat and Fish Populations in Toboggan Creek, Near...
Toboggan Creek, a small tributary of the Bulkley River near Smithers was studied September 27 through October 1, 1978. Objectives of the project were to assess fish habitat and... -
A Fisheries Inventory of some Streams Within the Morrison Lake - Hatchery...
This study had the following objectives: provide a source upon which the habitat protection section of the fish and wildlife branch could base protection guidelines, provide...