Impacts of LNG Development to Salmon Habitat on Lelu Island and Flora Bank
This report outlines the unaddressed issues that remain after the mitigation proposal presented by Petronas for a suspension bridge over Flora Bank. -
Estuaries Poster
Provides general information on estuaries and their importance. -
Chatham Sound Eelgrass Study Report
This report discusses the study on eelgrass in the Chatham Sound estuary. The study was aimed to provide quality data and recommendations to relevant management authorities... -
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince...
The Environmental Implications of Sediment Transport in the Waters of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada: A Comparison Between Kinematic and Dynamic Approaches. A Sediment... -
Flora Bank Eelgrass Survey
A survey using a towed video camera system was executed by Ocean Ecology for the World Wildlife Fund to see if the Flora Bank eelgrass bed extended any significant distance... -
Estuaries on the North Coast of British Columbia: a Reconnaissance Survey of...
This survey acquires the ecological information on plant community types occurring in estuaries on the north coast and creates a site classification. It also surveys and... -
Estuaries of British Columbia's North Coast
This fact sheet provides information on estuaries and an overview of protection plans. -
Environmental Review of Proposed Port Development in Prince Rupert, B.C.
This report suggests possible port locations in the Prince Rupert area and has formed the basis for subsequent environmental studies.