Morrison Copper/Gold Mine Project Third Party Review of Groundwater, Water...
EAO wishes to retain an independent, expert, third party consultant to undertake a technical review of the hydrogeology, hydrology, water balance, water quality, and related... -
Morrison Copper/Gold Application and Supporting Studies
This dataset contains elements of the Morrison Copper/Gold mine application which are relevant to salmon in the Skeena watershed. The document itself and its appendices... -
Literature Review and Data Summary of Studies Related to Bell Mine, Babine Lake
This report summarizes available information on selected chemical and physical parameters of Babine Lake. The information has been reviewed in order to understand long term... -
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Mining, Community...
An ecological study to assess the impact of environmental changes on the Babine sockeye production is currently being conducted under the auspices of the Babine Watershed Change...