DFO Area 4 Reports 1973 - 1984
DFO Area 4 Annual Narrative Reports from 1973 to 1984. Reports include comments on spawning summaries (coho, sockeye, pink and chinook), commercial fisheries, sport fisheries,... -
Skeena-Nass Area Water Quality Assessment and Objectives: Technical Appendix
This report assess present water quality of the mainstem Bulkley and Morice Rivers, to predict future water quality, and to recommend water uses that should be protected, and to... -
Rates of Movement and Timing of Migrations of Steelhead Trout To and Within...
Summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) returning to the Skeena River system were radio-tagged to determine their rates of movement through commercial salmon fisheries near... -
Provisional Estimates of Numbers and Biomass for Natural-Origin and...
This report provides provisional abundance estimates for pink, chum, and sockeye salmon in major regions of the North Pacific from 1952 through 2015 in terms of: numbers of... -
Prince Rupert Landfill Leachate: Impact on Hays Creek
This report documents the leachate and creek water chemistry findings and remove all doubt that the creek is adversely affected. -
Northwest Coast Traditional Salmon Fisheries System of Resource Utilization
This thesis presents evidence that traditional systems of salmon production were generally coincident with seasonal migrations of adult salmon returning from marine environments... -
Managing the Skeena River Sockeye Salmon Fishery - the Process and the Problems
The purposes of this report are to review the development of the management of Skeena sockeye, to describe the current process of managing the Skeena sockeye fishery with... -
Lakelse Lake Water Quality Assessment and Objectives
This study assesses the water quality of Lakelse Lake. A summary report and detailed technical appendix are included. Report published February 1986. -
Copper Creek (Q.C.I.) Steelhead Trout: A Report on the Effect of Non Random...
The prime purpose for this study was to determine if the number of steelhead kelts caught in a tidal gill net sockeye salmon fishery could be reduced. Subsequently, the... -
Adult Sockeye and Pink Salmon Tagging Experiments for Separating Stocks 1982-1985
Adult sockeye and pink salmon were captured, tagged, and released in coastal fisheries of southern Southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia between 1982 and 1985. Sockeye... -
A Fisheries Inventory of some Streams Within the Morrison Lake - Hatchery...
This study had the following objectives: provide a source upon which the habitat protection section of the fish and wildlife branch could base protection guidelines, provide... -
Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper
The Kemano Completion Project is massive. The Aluminum Company of Canada (Alcan) proposes a capital expenditure in excess of $2.2 billion which could increase aluminum...