Managing the Skeena River Sockeye Salmon Fishery - the Process and the Problems
The purposes of this report are to review the development of the management of Skeena sockeye, to describe the current process of managing the Skeena sockeye fishery with... -
Evaluation of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Production from the Babine...
Babine Lake Development Project (BLDP) intended to increase the number of sockeye salmon fry rearing in the main basin of Babine lake along with adult returns and commercial... -
Rationale and Follow-up on Terminating Nutrient Treatment of Morice Lake
Returns of sockeye salmon to the Morice-Nanika production system (tributary to the Skeena River) routinely exceeded 60,000 pieces prior to 1950. Between 1950 and 1955... -
Babine lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Enhancement Program: Testing...
This paper serves as an after study to the Babine Lake Sockeye Enhancement Program and its assumptions. These assumptions are as follows: The artificial spawning channels...