Telkwa Coal Project: Aquatic Resource Assessment 1985
Studies were undertaken during 1984 to evaluate aquatic resources in the Telkwa Project study area in west-central British Columbia. Stream periphyton, invertebrates and fish... -
Skeena Net Survey: Preliminary Report of Native Food Fishing Effort on the...
A preliminary survey of the Skeena River Indigenous net fishery was conducted in 1987 to improve on existing data. The objective of the study was to estimate Indigenous effort... -
Reconnaissance Survey of Buckley Lake
This document contains information about Buckley lake habitat quality. Information recorded includes physical, chemical, temperature, oxygen, obstruction and pollutions,... -
Rates of Movement and Timing of Migrations of Steelhead Trout To and Within...
Summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) returning to the Skeena River system were radio-tagged to determine their rates of movement through commercial salmon fisheries near... -
Radio Telemetry Studies of Summer Steelhead Trout in the Cranberry, Kispiox,...
Radio tagging studies were carried out on four Skeena River tributaries and one Nass River tributary in order to more fully understand the life history of summer run steelhead... -
Juvenile Steelhead Populations in the Morice River System, 1980 to 1982
Results of three consecutive years (1980 to 1982) of juvenile steelhead population monitoring in the Morice River system is presented in this report. Results are focused on late... -
Fish Collection Permit Results: Goosly Lake and Buck Creek
On August 15, 1983, twenty-two rainbow trout samples were collected from Buck Creek upstream and at the confluence with Goosly Lake. Collection of these samples was by angling... -
Bathymetry map of Seymour Lake
1983 Bathymetric Survey of Seymour Lake by the BC Ministry of Environment. -
A Review of the Limnology and Sockeye Salmon Ecology of Babine Lake
This literature review summarizes the academic understanding of Babine Lake ecosystems during the 1980s, also providing information on the log storage and handling aspects at... -
A Reconnaissance Survey of Toboggan Lake
This survey data includes information regarding the location, physical data, terrain features, water chemistry and temperature, obstructions and pollutions, miscellaneous,... -
A Reconnaissance Survey of McQuarrie Lake
This survey collected information about the fish species that are present in McQuarrie Lake, as well as information about the physical characteristics of the lake. This included... -
A Preliminary Investigation of Kitsumkalum River Steelhead Trout 1980-81
Increasing angling pressure combined with intensive logging in the upper watershed and growing human development in the lower watershed during recent years prompted the B.C....