Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development 1975
Federal - Provincial Joint Committee on Tsimpsean Penninsula Port Development Prince Rupert Bulk Loading Facility - Phase 1 and 2 Phase 1: Bulk Marine Terminal Sites... -
Superport Development Preliminary Environmental Effect Assessment
A preliminary environmental effects assessment relating to the potential port sites identified in the Port Development Study by Wright Engineers Limited for the National... -
Morice Lake Nutrient Samples
Nutrient samples (surface) were collected at four intervals at 11 stations on Morice Lake during the period June 1973 to September 1973. The samples were analyzed to determine... -
Environmental Studies on the Morice-Nanika Watershed Interim Report (1975)
B.C. Hydro has proposed developing various resources for meeting future electric power requirements of the province. The main resources included are: hydro-electric power, coal,... -
Environmental Review of Proposed Port Development in Prince Rupert, B.C.
This report suggests possible port locations in the Prince Rupert area and has formed the basis for subsequent environmental studies. -
An Assessment of the Effects on the Morice and Bulkley River Systems of a...
This report assesses the economic and biological consequences of further development at Houston, B.C. The first part of this paper identifies the geographic and biological... -
Chemical Studies of the Recent Sediments of Babine Lake British Columbia
The multi-disciplinary Babine Watershed Change Program (1973) was initiated in 1971-1972 by the Department of the Environment to assess effects of environmental change on Babine... -
The Limnology of Morice Lake Volume 5: Chapter 2
As part of the Kemano II Environmental Study, Environment Canada, Fisheries Service, initiated a program during 1974-75 to inventory existing water chemistry, plankton and...