Progress Reports on Babine Lake Sockeye Salmon Studies for Inclusion in the...
This report summarizes work carried out in 1966 and 1967 to answer two questions related to evaluation of the Babine Lake sockeye development project. These questions are, (l)... -
Times of Passage of Skeena River Sockeye and Pink Salmon Through the...
The purpose of this report is to review the information presently available, which bears on the times of passage of the various Skeena sockeye and pink salmon stocks through the... -
Moricetown Falls as a Hazard to Salmon Migration
In any salmon conservation program, the successful escapement of the mature adults to the spawning grounds in fresh water is an important factor. The presence of any obstruction... -
Documentation of Nearshore Sockeye Spawning Habitat in Babine Lake
This investigation aims to document the quantity and quality of suitable lake spawning habitat, determine if and where surplus sockeye spawn along with lake margin, and assess...